Monday, September 30, 2019
Capstone Analysis
Cybercafà © Is defined as any crime that Is conducted Vela the Internet or another computer network. When It comes to cybercafà © It Is very easy for someone to fall volt to It. We use computers for everything: searching the Internet, shopping. Accessing our bank accounts, email, and online gaming are some examples. Communication is faster and much more reliable than in the past which has allowed more to be accomplished in any given day.The problem is just like anything else: vulnerability. There are individuals that hack into computers as well as networks of businesses and government agencies. The problem is that sensitive data can be stolen and/or destroyed. There needs to be more focus on the security of computers and the internet. Regular stories featured in the media on computer crime include topics covering hacking to viruses, web hackers, to internet pedophilia, sometimes accurately portraying events, sometimes misconceiving the role of technology in such activities.The incr ease in cybercafà © has been documented in the news media. Both the increase in the incidence of criminal activity and the possible emergence of new varieties of criminal activity pose challenges for the legal system, as well as for law enforcement. Some of the things I do to try and prevent falling victim to cybercafà © is keeping the latest version of virus software on my computers. Using strong passwords that only my family knows. I do not fall prey to online offers of things like ere TV's, or you have won $1,000.In general, I feel that in this day and age you really need to be aware of your surrounding and that also includes the cyber world. By Sabina-Fazing Cybercafà © is defined as any crime that is conducted via the Internet or another computer network. When it comes to cybercafà © it is very easy for someone to fall victim to it. We use computers for everything; searching the internet, shopping, more to be accomplished in any given day. The problem is Just like anything else;
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Gaming the Console Response
2121 – Writing for MIT Dr. Tim Freeborn January 31, 2012 Gaming the Console – Rhetorical Essay In Linda Bernstein’s informative article â€Å"Gaming the Console†she presents both sides to the ongoing debate about the possible consequences associated with playing video games. Some experts have concluded that gaming leads to negative outcomes such as an increase in violent behavior, or a decrease in academic and social skills. On the other hand, there is a belief that some video games can have positive educational and physical benefits.Bernstein touches on all of these aspects of gaming and leaves the ultimate decision up to the reader to form his or her own opinion on the matter. Throughout the article, there are three images displayed that effectively support the text and help develop the arguments presented. The initial picture that is splashed across the entire first page of the article seems to represent the type of teen who exhibits the potential for increased aggression as a result of playing video games.The photo depicts a male teenager with spiked hair, dark eyes, pierced ear, and stubble on his lip and chin. These characteristics are typically indicative of a more rebellious or aggressive individual. His concentration is evident in his wide-eyed expression and his grimacing face with his tongue in his mouth. He holds the console in a tight grip as shown by the redness of his skin around his thumbs, which indicates his level of intensity. All of these details compliment the notion that video games may be unknowingly impacting areas of the brain associated with aggression.Professor Craig A. Anderson of Iowa State University describes this as follows: â€Å"The effects aren’t huge or immediately noticeable by a game player, but they tend to increase over time†(Bernstein 14). The player may not feel more aggressive after playing a game, but there may be evidence to suggest the effect is still there none the less. The next image in sequence works well in conjunction with the text and seems to support the argument that gaming can have positive benefits if used appropriately. For instance, in the article eighteen-year-old David A. xpresses, â€Å"It’s a fun way of being with your friends when [you are] home relaxing. [It is] competitive and fun, but I only do it when I have extra time†(Bernstein 14). This opinion appears to be shared by the two male and two female teens shown in the picture. They appear to be having fun while playing the game and getting along. Although they have a look of concentration on their faces, the fact that they are all leaning in the same direction could indicate they are playing towards a common goal, and thus encouraging teamwork.It shows boys and girls playing together which illustrates that gaming can have a social and inclusive benefit, and is not simply for socially awkward children. This image can support the notion that if gaming is not performe d at the exclusion of other things such as schoolwork and sports, it can be a fun pastime. The last image Bernstein integrates into her article could be perceived as support for either side of the debate over the impact of video games. The presentation of a boy with his headset on and console in the air with a huge smile indicates again a positive image of gaming.On the other hand, the fact that he is wearing headphones may signify that he is a serious gamer who spends a lot of time gaming at the exclusion of other educational activities. This picture is rather ambiguous because depending on whether he is part of the 8% teen gamers who are addicted or 92% who are not addicted it can have a very different meaning (Bernstein 14). Overall, this image can be interpreted to support whatever argument you are rooting for by the end of the article.Bernstein is successful in presenting useful images that enhance the text while still being fair and showing all views discussed throughout the a rticle. The first image portrays the aggressive nature of gaming, the second illustrates the social aspect of gaming and the third image is left up for interpretation by the viewer. Overall, the article displays a balanced perspective complimented with appropriate corresponding images that support Bernstein’s thesis. Works Cited Bernstein, Linda. â€Å"Gaming the Console. †Current Health Teens. †March 2012.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Historical Perspective of Ethics of Care
There is vague and indescribable meaning is attached with the word care, which is interchangeably used for caring, compassion, humanitarianism, altruism, beneficence, or philanthropy. â€Å"For where there is love of man (philanthropia)’, reads a famous passage in the pseudo-Hippocratic treatise Precepts (Precepts, 6),†there is also love of the art (philotechnia)[1]. The term â€Å"philanthropia’, means literally ‘Love of Mankind, original meaning of the word was the benevolence of the god for man, this is the term used for Care. Sir William Osler saw in this maxim evidence of Greek physician’s ‘love of humanity associated with the love of his craft-philanthropia and philotechnia-the joy of working joined in each one to a true love of his brother. ’[2] Plato, in the Republic (Republic, 340, C-347 A) raised a question on self- interest is the motive behind all human efforts, especially political activity. Galen, in a work entitled on the Doctrines of Hippocrates and Plato, discusses this specific passage from the Republic, after summarizing it he mentions â€Å"Some pursue the medical art for the sake of money, others for the exemptions granted by law, certain ones on account of Philanthropia, just as others for the glory or honor attached to the art. Hellenistic and roman thoughts on philosophic and popular ethics were also influenced by the humanitarian and cosmopolitan ideas. After the for the century before Christ the word philanthropic came to used the expression of comprehensive love of mankind and a common feeling of humanity. This may be the result of Alexander’s conquest of the East or for lessening importance of individualism of the fourth century. Edelstein quotes that the morality of outward performance characteristics of the classical era was now supplemented by the inner intention. The word Philoanthropia is frequently used by Christen writers but not mentioned that often in new Testament, the word used is agape meaning ‘God is love’. There is gap between these two words as the dynamic of Ethics. Christen Philanthropy means practice of love, mercy and justice are vital element in the worship of God (Micah 6:6-8). Henry Sigerist has viewed about Christianity, he writes’ the most revolutionary and decisive change in the attitude of society towards sick. Christianity came into the world as the religion of healing, as the joyful Gospel of redeemer and of Redemption. It addressed itself to the disinherited, to the sick and afflicted, and promised them healing, a restoration both spiritual and physical. It became the duty of Christian to attend the sick and the poor of the community’. Here the word â€Å"Care’ has got its meaning. Rannan Gillion's statement ‘Mature medical morality has since Hippocratic times incorporated at its centre a moral concern for nurturing and care for its sick patients; meeting the needs of sick patients has been the moral driving force of medical ethics since its inception. Lord Walton describes how Christianity decisively influences the Hippocratic tradition. Doctor-Patient relationship was taught all by Hippocrates, Socrates, Palto and Aristotle. The fundamental to this concept of Doctor- Patient relationship was the concept of philia, used both for the art of medicine and patient. Based on the same idea, this was further developed by the Greek doctor, the relationship developed for the patients that was first influenced first by the love of mankind and second by love of his art of medicine. Despite the belief, there was differential treatment for people based on their status, care to the patient was abstract, not the individual patient, Greeks only seemed to consider discussions on life style and cause of disease to benefit the rich, this was not appropriate for poor and slaves. This was thought that it was unethical to treat deadly disease, for this challenge nature and the doctor would risk paying the penalty. Thus in the Hippocratic tradition the doctor did not treat the incurably sick or terminally ill and he made the judgment in that no doctor would treat anyone leading an immoral life. But in Christianity love for man in nature was transformed into love for thy neighbor and doctor was to treat all patients irrespective of class, stratus, and ability to pay. The work of doctors also involved the care for all sick and consolation of the terminally ill. So Care was a prerequisite for both the development of nursing and medicine, which embraces the quit essential purpose of care. Murdoch perceives to be the warmth and coldness in the morality; it is there are Buber's I and Thou, which has rejected by Noddings. The detached rationality of duty and responsibility is held together with the warmth of love and compassion by virtue of their meeting in God. Buber argued giant Carl Rogers, in a professional relationship, in which one partner has needs which other does not, in which one person comes for help to others, the genuineness of relationship depends upon the maturity which is greater than both partners. The relationship with care taker and giver can be temporary and unequal, necessary detachment is its strength . security and protection for the vulnerable. Objectivity and necessary detachment need to be combined and balanced with the subjectivity and warmth of fellow feeling as true compassion. Here is the meaning of agape, the Judeo-Christian concept of altruistic love, stemming from the all-embracing Thou, the root of Buber's understanding for the me and the you in human relationship. Kant also does not escape the grounding of Judaeo-Christian tradition. His view of morality is influenced by it. Kant although chooses to try and escape the theological imperative and ground his categorical imperative in human rationality alone, as a result of this his moral position could not be grounded. We need to question both extentialist, Noddings and rationalist Kant about †why', why should we care? Nietzsche asked the same to Kant's approach. If our moral outlook is independent of external and objective norms-or perhaps s Gilligan suggests, we become more mature and less abolitionist in our moral understanding – then the effect it is up to us to make our own morality, in that case one is better than other, this is the matter of personal preference. Nietzsche emphasized on personal empowerment, by getting rid of all the constraints of traditional morality that held them back from actualizing their true potentials. . As per them, God is Myth, so the idea of morali ty influenced by the outdated notion should be thrown off. The restriction imposed by the Judaeo-Christian should also be thrown off and one new to take his/her life the way one wants. Nietzsche calls for re-definition of the values and concept of care. As per their view ‘ The sick man is a parasite of society. In a certain stage it is indecent to live longer. To go on vegetating in cowardly dependence on physician and machinations, after the meaning of life, the right to life, has been lost, that ought to prompt a profound contempt of society. It may be more ‘caring' not to ‘care'. The view of re-shaping of the values of society and attitudes of the members of society is further elaborated by the modernist and post modernist philosophy from Heidegger to Foucault. Ethics of Care in Islam In Islam the ethics of care is discussed . Professor Serour, discussing the Islamic perspective, recalls that the first known documents dealing with medical ethics are Egyptian papyri (16th century BC) in which, as long the doctor followed the rules, they were held to be non- culpable, should the patient die. If the doctor transgressed the rules and the patient dies, the doctor paid with his life. Hammurabi set fees according to the social status of the patient. Codes were laid down for physicians and surgeons. Serour cautions those who presume to judge acts of others from a different culture. Ethics is based on moral, philosophic and religious principles of the society in which they are practised. Ethics may differ from one culture to another. He also counsels those with a strong religious background to differentiate between medical ethics and humanitarian considerations on the one hand and religious teachings and national laws on the other. What is legal might not be ethical. The law rarely establishes positive duties such as beneficence and can be, and is, used not only to deny justice but also to deny respect to persons and to do harm. Serour emphasises that ethical norms are guidelines. The context must govern judgement. He adds a fifth principle: The human being should not be subject to commercial exploitation. Islam is governed by the Sharia which, in turn is based, in chronological order, on the Holy Quran (the word of God), the Sunna and Hadith (sayings of the Prophet Mahomet developed by jurists), the unanimous opinion of Islamic scholars or Aimma (Igmaah) and finally, by analogy (Kias). If an instruction on a certain issue is provided in the Quran, it is the one to be followed. Islam permits flexibility, adaptation to the necessities of life and shifts in ethical stands based on the current culture. Dr. K. Zaki Hasan describes Unani medicine as a synthesis of the ancient Greek, Indian and Persian systems. Its practitioners, along with the teacher and cleric shared a common role and culture with a primary social, not monetary, objective. Indian philosophers on Ethics of care: Indian philosophers consider the ethical implications of the Indian classical theories of Karma(Action and Habit) These theories usually proposes rebirth – that is , reincarnation in a human or animal form, in this world rather world, Since, on the presumption of karma, the nature of one's deeds determines one's future state, the universe includes laws of moral payback. Indian classical philosophers weave numerous variations on such views into the overall stances, including Budhdhist,Vedantic, Logis and Carvaka views Ancient Indian thoughts, philosophy developed with rational synthesis , spirituality was the foundation of Indian culture. The fundamental basis of ethics arises from the Hindu belief that we all are art of the divine ‘Parmatman’. According to Vedas(4000 BC to 1000 BC), the call to love your neighbor as yourself is â€Å"because they neighbor is in in truth they very self and what seperates you from him is mere illusion(maya). Closely allied to Hinduism are Budhdhism and Jainsim. These religion proclaim â€Å"Ahimsa†as ‘Saarvatha sarvada sarvabutananz anabhidroha,’ a complete absence of ill-will to all beings. The ultimate aim is for our Atman to coalesce with Parmatman or Brahman to become one. According to the Vedas (4000 RC to 1000 BC), the call to love your neighbour as yourself is ‘because thy neighbour is in truth thy very self and what separates you from him is mere illusion (maya). ’ Closely allied to Hinduism are Jainism and Buddhism. These religions proclaim Ahimsa Paramo Dharma. Most important of all our actions is alzinzsn, non- violence. Patanjali defined ahimsa as Sarvatha sarvada sarvabutananz anabhidroha(1) , a complete absence of ill- will to all beings. Ayurveda is the ancient science of life. It lays down the principles of management in health and disease and the code of conduct for the physician. Charaka has described the objective of medicine as two fold; preservation of good health and combating disease. (2) Ayurveda emphasised the need for healthy life- style; cleanliness and purity, good diet, proper behaviour, and mental and physical discipline. Purity and cleanliness were to be observed in everything: jalasuddi (pure water), aharasuddi (clean food), dehasuddi (clean body), manasuddi (pure mind) and desasuddi (clean environment). Ayurveda calls upon the physician to treat the patient as a whole: ‘Dividho jayate vyadih, Sariro manasasthatha, Parasparanz tavorjanma, Nirdvadvam nopalahhyate. (Diseases occur both physically and mentally and even though each part might be dominant, they cannot be compartmentalised). Ayurveda treats man as a whole body, mind and what is beyond mind. The earliest protagonists of Indian Medicine, such as Atreya, Kashyapa, Bhela, Charaka and Susruta have based their writings on the foundations of spiritual philosophy and ethics. But the one teacher of Ayurveda who established the science on the foundation of spirituality and ethics was Vagbhata, the author of Astanga Hridaya(3) . Vagbhata says:Sukarthah sarvabutanam, Matah sarvah pravarthayah, Sukham ca na vina dharmat, thasmad dharmaparo bhavet_( All activities of man are directed to the end of attaining happiness, whereas happiness is never achieved without righteousness. It is the bounden duty of man to be righteous in his action). Charaka Samhita prescribes an elaborate code of conduct. The medical profession has to be motivated by compassion for living beings (bhuta- daya)â€Å". Charaka’s humanistic ideal becomes evident in his advice to the physicians’. He who practices not for money nor for caprice but out of compassion for living beings (bhuta- daya), is the best among all physicians. Hard is it to find a conferor of religious blessings comparable to the physician who snaps the snares of death for his patients. The physician who regards compassion for living beings as the highest religion fulfils his mission (sidhartah) and obtains the highest happiness.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Comparing between the article and the theory Essay
Comparing between the article and the theory - Essay Example These countries include US, Denmark, Canada, Finland, Norway, Russia, Iceland and Sweden (Tromso par. 1). The Arctic region is rich with natural gases and oils. The countries in the Artic Council have cooperated in missions, which would be costly for nations to embark on their own (Tromso par. 6). Such missions include joint search and rescue missions, and scientific researches. This situation is described in the Realism topic from the article on the ‘Theoretical Foundations on Global Governance’. According to the article, realists are entities, which act in a unitary manner to pursue their national interest. The various countries interested in the Arctic region can be termed as realists, since they have come together to form a union and a collaboration that will enrich their individual states. Tromso’s article talks of other countries such as Singapore, Italy, Japan, India and China that want to hold crucial positions in the Arctic Council. Singapore especially has applied for a position as a permanent observer, yet it is situated at the Equator (Tromso par. 1). Additionally, fears are that the economic progress at Artic could result to an oil spill, which could pollute the Artic environment for years. This situation is comparable to the topic on collective or public goods theory from the article on the ‘Theoretical foundations of global governance’. The collective or public goods theory is effectively described by the ‘tragedy of the commons’ by Garrett Hardin who talks of a faction of herders who share a common grazing area. The desire by the herders to increase their livestock led to depletion of the grass and eventually they all lost in the end. Conclusively, Tromso quotes some book titles such as ‘Scramble for the Artic’ and talks of the boundary conflicts between Canada and America over Beaufort Sea (Tromso par
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Marine Pollution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Marine Pollution - Essay Example VI. Conclusion A. Marine pollution is a significant and complex problem whose consequences extend far beyond marine environments. B. Marine pollution adversely impacts human health and coastal economies. Ours is a water planet with the implication being, as R.B. Clark insists, that the health of our environment is intimately connected to the health of our waterways, oceans and seas (Clark, p. 185). Numerous environmentalists and scientists, as Hertsgaard emphasizes, have confirmed the aforementioned, insisting that marine pollution directly impinges upon the health and long-term survival of our planet (Hertsgaard, pp. 7-8). Should that be the case, then our planet appears to be in dire straits as levels of marine pollution escalate and continue to reach alarming levels largely due to oil pollution. Oil pollution poses a serious threat to the marine environment, hence to our planet, with available evidence indicating that it destroys the marine ecosystem, negatively impinges upon human health and deleteriously impacts the economy of surrounding regions. Environmentalists and marine scientists maintain the impossibility of exaggerating the negative impact of oil pollution on marine environments. As Professor R.B. Clark explains, "Oil pollution may take the form of hazards to human health, interference with human activities, reduction of human amenities, or harmful effects on living resources" (Clark, p. 185). Concurring with the stated, Kildrow explains that oil pollution impacts marine environments through three distinct ways. The first is through the overseas transportation of oil. The second is through transportation accidents. The third is through the offshore extraction and...7-8). Should that be the case, then our planet appears to be in dire straits as levels of marine pollution escalate and continue to reach alarming levels largely due to oil pollution. Oil pollution poses a serious threat to the marine environment, hence to our planet, with available evidence indicating that it destroys the marine ecosystem, negatively impin ges upon human health and deleteriously impacts the economy of surrounding regions. Environmentalists and marine scientists maintain the impossibility of exaggerating the negative impact of oil pollution on marine environments. As Professor R.B. Clark explains, "Oil pollution may take the form of hazards to human health, interference with human activities, reduction of human amenities, or harmful effects on living resources" (Clark, p. 185). Concurring with the stated, Kildrow explains that oil pollution impacts marine environments through three distinct ways. The first is through the overseas transportation of oil. The second is through transportation accidents. The third is through the offshore extraction and excavation of fossil fuels (Kildrow). In other ways, three distinct human activities function to expose marine environments to oil pollution. Oil pollution has both short and long-term
Sustainability Policy & Procedure Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Sustainability Policy & Procedure - Assignment Example ning’ processâ€â€from Logistics to Marketing and Sales (Fuji Xerox Company, 2010) â€â€it is essential to get the full cooperation and support of every department in order to meet the expectations of greening for the company’s better image in the light of intended audience. 1.2. Scope. (Here must be stated when and to whom the process or procedure applies; also, who is affected, which areas, which activities, and what are the limits/parameters.) Starting with a launch period and being followed by follow-through or sustaining period, ‘Be Greener Campaign,’ in this regard, will also utilize various communication tools to bolster the impact of the campaign among its intended audience; therefore, to summarize the promotional initiatives for this program, this campaign within Fuji Xerox departments will be running for three months, from 30.12.12 to 30.02.13. 1.3. Roles. (Role and functions of anyone involved in the process/procedure.) It must put an emphasis on different functions and roles of these two stages of the ‘greening’ initiative involved in the process. Initially, Launch period is to introduce the Campaign to internal and external stakeholders – during the first month of the project, awareness of going green among all Fuji Xerox companies will be increasing with an assistance of national conventions; later on, in so called Sustaining period, from 30.12.12 to 30.02.13, dissemination of various communication medias will occur, as well as launch of mini programs for the further awareness and excitement increasing - among employees, stakeholders, and business partners of Fuji Xerox. 1.4. Definitions/Acronyms. (Here are definitions and acronyms that need to be defined in order to ensure proper interpretation of the process/procedure.) ‘Be Greener Campaign’ could be treated as a set of strategic initiatives concerning predominantly the efforts of ‘greening’ within the whole production cycle of Fuji Xerox. Consequently, it contains two
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The Apportionment Problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Apportionment Problem - Essay Example This is so that they could have more than one representative, as Five would technically have .07! Changes in population would cause this apportionment to be revisited occasionally and again, the US method of a census every decade determining representation would be the best bet. The biggest problem with this is the method is absolutely unfair in that four states (3, 4, 6 and 8) will control 65% of the votes. However the method seems to work quite well in the US where states like California and New York likewise have a large representation. Yet the country’s multiple party method seems to work quite well, for Congressional votes are generally along party lines and seldom do all members from one particular state band together (Theriault). Of course appeasing State Five by adding seats so that it could have equality in Congress could very well result in what is known as an Alabama Paradox. This occurred for that state in 1880, whereby adding seats to Congress so that Alabama could gain actually caused it to actually lose a seat, due to the mathematical statistics (Janson). Another methodology would be the Huntington-Hill, a more complex formula that utilizes square roots but which is also more equitable (See Table 2) (US Census). Based upon the calculations I have listed, apportionment is the best answer for fair and equal representation of each state. No matter how else it is drawn smaller states such as Five will always face having less representation (Much as Montana and Wyoming only also have one vote whereas minute Rhode Island has 2). The only other way would be to divide the 100 seats by the number of states (10 each), just like the US Senate has a standard of two per state, no matter the
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Social Learning Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Social Learning Theory - Essay Example One of the key assumptions of Bandura was that the environment of a person creates his or behavior therefore if it is necessary to improve the behavior of the individuals, it is critical that the environment must be improved or constructive to allow people to learn positive traits. The social learning theory from the criminology perspective has largely been developed by Akers , Burgess as well as the work of Sutherland. An associated concept with this theory is also the concept of differential association theory which suggests that criminal behaviors could be learned through interactions with others. The implementation of a new policy change by the Anytown’s department therefore may be a step towards ensuring that the children are not exposed to the abusive behaviors and their learning should take place in more healthy and positive environment. The decision to separate children from the abusive parents or caretakers therefore may be seen from different perspectives as it may b e better action however could lead to different ethical and moral implications too. Moral and Ethical Implications A society comprises of different individual units and family is one of the most important units in any given society. According to Social learning theorists, people tend to learn the moral behaviors over the period of time therefore children specially see their parents as models for what is right and wrong. As such the overall development of a child’s moral and ethical perspectives is firmly connected with their parents and guardians. What is also important to understand that when children grow as adults and have to make their own moral judgments they often rely on the values... Social Learning Theory It is however, critical that the learning through this interaction may also have different impacts on the children also. However, this move may also point out certain important ethical and moral implications too if the policy is implemented. One of the key questions which could therefore be raised may be based upon the argument that the families and parents may lose their control over their children as well as the children may be dependent on others for their overall development. Apart from assessing the moral and ethical implications of the proposed policy change, this paper will also make an assessment of the effect on those who are involved and will be implicated under this change. The impact on the society as a whole as well as the family as a unit will also be discussed and explored in this paper. Before discussing the moral and ethical implications of this policy change, it is important to provide a theoretical background of Social Learning Theory. This is also important due to the fact that department has made a reference to this theory as an academic argument in favor of this policy change. The decision to implement a new policy change to protect children from the abusive and criminal behavior of their parents may be considered as a better decision by the department. Though children may face the issues like identity as well as role he is forced to play however, if children are provided better opportunities to be groomed as positive and more constructive citizens, this action may be considered as effective.
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Adobe Dreamweaver Software Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Adobe Dreamweaver Software - Essay Example We were six team members. Although I actively participated in each and every stage of the project from the planning till delivery, yet my main contribution in the project was the design of the website. It was a very big responsibility as the design of website would be what will be seen by the client, which in our case was Prive and the customers that would be using the website once it is launched. The design of the website of a company has a fundamental role to play in the customer’s perceptions about the company. Customers tend to draw inferences about the company from the first impression that is lent by the website. It was my responsibility to make the design look both perfect and professional. It was a fairly tough task in that the design is constantly revised and modified until the product is delivered to the client. So my job would not finish with the completion of design as it had to be constantly revised and modified according to the ideas we explored along the way. I had to design wireframe sketches for the website. To achieve this, I conducted a thorough review of the existing models and tried different combinations to reach a fairly decent and professional design. Bob used my designs to construct the website using the software â€Å"Adobe Dreamweaver†, while Jack worked upon the launching of the website and its presentation to Prive. Dan conducted the feasibility study of this project for Prive. Martha and Susan selected useful models from an extensive literature review. At the start of the project, I felt very nervous as I had never done a project as complex as this ever before. During our passage through the project, there were times when we were stuck, there were times when we had disputes and times when we celebrated. After I was done, all of us were filled with the feeling of joy mixed with relief. One of the most difficult parts of the project for me was to gain the consent of all team members upon the design of wireframe sketches I had proposed.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Survey Example Essay Example for Free
Survey Example Essay We the students of communication skills 14 are conducting a research paper regarding the causes and effects of smoking and drinking to 2nd year students of Centro Escolar University, Manila school year 2012-2013. Here are some questions below, please answer it by putting check on the answers provided before the line. Thankfully yours, (name of respondents) Researchers Questions For Drinkers: 1. Have you ever consumed alcohol? __yes __no 2. At what age did you start consuming alcohol? ________ 3. . Why did you start consuming alcohol? __ peer pressure __family problems __curiosity __to have fun Other(please specify____________) 4. Have you ever passed out or experience memory loss due to drinking? ___ yes ____no 5. What alcoholic beverages do you often drink? ____ beer ____ cocktails ____ rhum ____ whistkey 6. How often do you drink? ____ once a week ____ twice a week ____ once every two weeks Others: (please specify) _____ 7. Do you drink to escape pain, either physical or emotional? ___ Yes ___ No 8. How does it affect your condition the next day? ____ makes you lazy ____ makes you feel sleepy ____ makes you feel out of the mood ____ makes you feel sick 9. Have you ever skipped or missed class because of drinking? ___Yes ___ No 10. How does it affect your performance in school? ____ gives you poor outcome in class participation ____ makes you feel lazy to come to class ____ makes you feel sleepy during class ____ gives you low grades 11. Have you ever skipped or missed class because of drinking? ___Yes ___No 12. Did you ever get into any fights while drinking? ___Yes ___No 13. Any future plans to stop? ___ Yes ___ No Questions for Smokers: 1. When did you start to smoke? ____ 10-12 years old ____ 13-15 years old ____ 16-19 years old Others: (Please specify) _____________ 2. Why did you start smoking? ____ peer pressure ____ stress ____ curiosity Other(please specify) ______________ 3. What do you get from smoking? ____Relaxation ____ Habit ____Good time Others(please specify) ___ 4. Who among in your household smokes? ____Father ____ Sister ____Mother ____ Brother Others(please specify) ____ 5. How many sticks did you used when smoking? ____1 to 2 sticks ____ 2 to 3 sticks ____ 3 to 4 sticks Others(please specify) ____________ 6. How often do you smoke? ____ everyday ____ every other day ____ once a week Others( please specify) ____________ 7. What influenced you to start smoking? ____ peer pressure ____ to gain new experience ____ being done in the family Other(please specify) _____________ 8. Why do you smoke? ____Relaxation ____ Habit ____ Good times Others(please specify)____ 9. Are you aware of the effects of smoking to yourself and to the people around you? ____ Yes ____ No 10. Any future plans to stop? ____ Yes ____ No
Saturday, September 21, 2019
History of Domestic Violence and Legislation in the UK
History of Domestic Violence and Legislation in the UK Literature Review Definition of domestic violence Domestic Violence is a phenomenon affecting many societies directly and indirectly around the world; and somehow, after many years of research not a single definition describes this phenomenon adequately yet. Defining domestic violence can be very difficult, as it is a broad term used to describe a range of behaviours and has a multiplicity of meanings to different people in different contexts (Burton, 2008). Domestic violence usually begins as an isolated abusive incident, however, when the abuse is repeated and becomes a constantly abuse, it is defined as â€Å"battering†(McCue, 2008). Physical is not the only form of domestic violence. Psychological and emotional violence are common forms of domestic violence as well (Lowenstein, 2005) and therefore the government has widened the definition of domestic violence to cover psychological intimidation and controlling behaviour and at the same time, recognising that domestic violence occurs in younger people’s intimate relationships (Walker and Gavin, 2011), applying to victims under the age of 18 as well: â€Å"any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality†. This includes psychological, physical, sexual, financial and emotional abuse (Home Office, 2013). The new Home Office definition express controlling behaviour and coercive behaviour. Controlling behaviour is a reach of acts intended to make an individual subordinate or dependent by separating them from any kind of support, not allowing them to obtain personal gain by controlling and regulating their everyday move and behaviour. Coercive behaviour is an act of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten their victim (Home Office, 2013). As an example, The Supreme Court held in Yemshaw v. Hounslow London Borough Council [2011] that domestic violence was not confined to physical violence but extended to threatening or intimidating behaviour and any other form of abuse being applied directly or indirectly (Miles, 2011). Domestic violence and abuse is not regarded of age, class, wealth, education, gender, race or any other determinant. Domestic violence is as likely to be happening to a lawyer, a doctor, a teacher, or even a police officer (Gaz, 2012). History of domestic violence Domestic violence has existed for many years and has very long historical roots and it has been establish in the inequality between men and women in society (Hague and Malous, 1998). Historically, abuse to wife has been viewed as normal which was part of marriage, something that women should expect and tolerate when being married (Erez, 2002). In the mid-1800s most legal systems accepted wife beating as a valid exercise of a husbands authority over his wife, using the â€Å"rule of thumb†established by Sir Francis Buller, known as ‘Judge Thumb’ meaning that a husband could beat his wife with a stick not thicker than his thumb (Women’s aid, 2008) and it was allowed by the old British Common Law (Dipty, 2009). Only towards the end of the twentieth century, in the 1970’s, that domestic violence had been defined as a crime, justifying intervention by the criminal justice system (Erez, 2002). Legislations Pre-1970s In the 1500s, â€Å"the Golden Age of the Rod†had been used against women in the United Kingdom who were taught that it was their sacred duty to obey the man of the house and during this time, violence against wives was ample. Mid-1800s, the Code of Hammurabi decreed that a wife was subservient to her husband and that he could inflict punishment on any member of his household for any transgression (WomenSafe, 2002). Around the same time in Britain, a husband had absolute power to chastisement his wife in order to implement domestic discipline (ICADV, 1999). During that time, there was no laws to criminalize violence against wives regardless of such assaults being included within the 1861 Offences Against the Person Act, the judges did very little and sometimes did nothing to address chastisement of wives (Summers Hoffman, 2002, p.31). In the late 1800s, having the Queen Elizabeth in the throne, new reforms for women were established, some of which included that wives could no longer be kept locked and beatings that could cause life threatening were treated as a ground for divorce (Cumbee Center). The introduction of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1878 helped victims of violence in marriage to obtain separation orders if their husband was convicted of aggravated assault (Summers Hoffman, 2002) and in 1882, the Woman’s Property Act, allowed wives to obtain full control over their own money and property (Parliament). Second-wave feminism In 1960s and 1970s, there was a massive comeback of feminist activity, in conjunction with the womens liberation movement. This period has been called the Second Wave of feminism, having the first wave from 1848 to 1920, when women won the right to vote (Cree, 2008). The Second Wave of feminism developed in the United States, West Europe, Australasia and Japan. However, it started in small local female groups in the United Kingdom, aiming to campaign similar private problems they all shared ( ) such as equal rights in employment, education, public and private lives and of course campaigning against rape and domestic violence (Cree, 2008) and it was then when domestic violence started to emerge as a significant issue, being recognised as a major social problem needing for political response and remedies (Summers Hoffman, 2002). The great movement established networks for support, analysing and comparing womens roles and relationships in society and defined a set of demands for the social and economic equality for women (Mendes, 2009). The women’s movement campaign was so successful that women were able to gain a stronger voice and become a strong image for the public eye, therefore a series of laws were introduced to aid women equality, such as the Equal Pay Act 1970 granting equal wages for both women and men (Mendes, 2009). Post-1970s The women’s movement was so successful that it helped with several legislations development (Hughes, 2010). There has been considerable changes in the national policy of domestic violence in the United Kingdom in the past 30 years (Matczak et al, 2001) made by the local government authorities which began to undertake and develop actions on domestic violence, and it was all mainly in response to the high demand from groups and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) for the housing, social services and court and police protection for domestic violence victims (Ashworth). Some of the legislations development included the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 which was passed outlawing sexual discrimination in the workplace and the Domestic Violence Act was passed in 1976 allowing married women to access court order to prevent further violence and to have the right to stay at home without the abuser (Hughes, 2010). Womens Aid was also developed as a result of the womens liberation movement and as all women gathered together, the big concern of violence at home as well as other types of abuse, including sexual abuse became highlighted. Before Women’s Aid, the organisation was the first Womens Aid federation which was set up in 1974, to provide practical and emotional support as part of the different services available to women and children experiencing violence (Women’s Aid). The 1970s brought three vital items of legislations, the Domestic Violence Matrimonial Proceedings Act 1976, which provide the police with powers of arrest for the breach of injunction in cases of domestic violence and allowed women to obtain the right to stay at the matrimonial home, the Domestic Proceedings Magistrates’ Courts Act 1978, which amend the use of injunctions to prevent further violence in the home and the law relating to matrimonial proceedings in magistrates’ courts and the Housing (Homeless Persons) Act 1977, which refers to persons who are homeless or threatened with homelessness which helped domestic violence victims with re-housing (UK Legislations). The acts were meant to produce legal remedies, however, the ways in which they were enforced meant that battered women continue to be inadequately protected leaving criminal law broadly untouched in terms of the protection of victims and the punishment of perpetrators of domestic violence (Summers Hoffman, 2002). However, in 1993 the Crown Prosecution Service, published a comprehensive guide for all staff to be able to deal with domestic violence cases adequately even is a victim decides to withdraw the request for prosecution which tends to happen occasionally as a result of intimidation or fear by the abuser (Ashworth). Furthermore, legislative reforms took place in the 1990s, Part IV of the Family Law Act 1996 being the most significant one which improved the protective orders available to domestic violence victims under the civil law (Burton, 2008). The Family Law Act 1996 Part IV which is now the main piece of legislation providing remedies under the civil law for victims of domestic violence (Burton, 2008) provides the victim with a statutory ‘home right’ meaning the victim cannot be evicted from the home unless there is a court order (Welstead Edwards, 2011). Throughout the period between 1997 and 2010, the principle arrangement of policy and legislation on domestic violence was being enforced based on prevention, protection and justice and allowing support to victims of domestic abuse to be established at local and national level (Matczak et al, 2011). Up to dated In 1986, the Home Office published the first circular regarding domestic violence called â€Å"Violence against women†which made it clear that it was obligatory for the police to ensure the safety of women and children at domestic deputes (Applegate, 2006) but it wasn’t until 1992 that both the Home Office Circular 60/1990 and the Association of Chief Probation Officers declared domestic violence to be a crime, given law enforcement agencies the power to punish the abuser (Kury Smartt, 2006). However, it did not make much of a change to the policy (Applegate, 2006). It was not until 2005 when the Domestic Violence Crime and Victims Act 2004 was introduced, that put some of these issues addressed by the criminal law and when some changes to the policy where actually made. The Act aims to increase the safety of domestic violence victims by providing the police with enormous power to approach and deal with domestic violence in better ways, establishing a new offence called â€Å"familial homicide†which provides the power of arrest for minor offences of common assault and linking some criminal and civil remedies (Women’s aid) and for the criminal justice, there is a statutory code of practice to ensure they provide support and protection to victims of domestic violence (Applegate, 2006). While the law itself does not distinguish between a domestic violence victim and a person who gets attack by a stranger in the streets, in practice the victims of domestic violence rarely obtain the law’s protection (Elliot Quinn, 2012). Unlike in some jurisdictions from other countries such as the United States, there is no specific offence of domestic violence in the United Kingdom, instead, there are a variety of criminal offences including sexual and physical assault, harassment offences and the crimes related to homicide, which can be applied in a case of domestic violence (Paradine Wilkinson, 2004) Today, the government is fully committed to tackle domestic violence in the United Kingdom in every possible way by allowing violence and abuse to be treated seriously by courts and the criminal justice system (Summers Hoffman, 2002). The government’s strategy to tackle domestic violence is based on three elements; prevention, protection and justice, and support (Blunkett, 2003). The government provides some of these elements by implementing local domestic violence conventions where the police, social services, housing services, probation, health services, legal professionals, and many other voluntary agencies gather and work together to tackle domestic violence at local level (Matczak et al, 2011). Although, there have been implementations of local domestic conventions and domestic violence units as well as many multi-agencies that work together to tackle domestic violence and changes in legislation and police policy, there are still some major concerns of how domestic violence is being dealt today. In 2012, around 1.2 million women suffered domestic abuse, over 400,000 women were sexually assaulted, less than 1 in 4 suffered abuse from their partners (Home Office, 2013) and on average, two women are being killed a week by a partner or former partner (CAADA, 2013). Furthermore, the police have been majorly criticised for failing to respond to domestic violence properly by not recording incidents as crimes (Paradine Wilkinson, 2004) with a 30% of domestic violence incidents reported to the police but not taken into actions and only 4% of reported incidents resulting in a conviction (Women’s aid) and they have been also criticised for not making arrests and failing to enforce civil injunctions (Paradine Wilkinson, 2004). For these reasons, in September 2013, the Home Secretary has commissioned Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) to carry out an inspection into how police forces are responding to domestic violence and the review will be exanimating the performance of all forces around England and Wales and report back to the Home Office in April 2014. In the meantime, chapter 2.4 and 2.5 will be looking at the reporting and non-reporting of incidents and how the police is responding to domestic incidents after the establishment of domestic violence units were introduced across the country, and assess the changes in police policy and practice over the past years including the ‘pro-arrest’ policy which aims to reduce the number of domestic violence cases discontinued by the police or the Crown Prosecution Service (Hoyle Sanders, 2000). References Applegate, R.J., 2006. Changing local policy and practice towards the policing of domestic violence in England and Wales. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies Management. 29 (2): 368 – 383. Blunkett, D., 2003. Safety and Justice: The Government’s Proposals on Domestic Violence. Home Office. Norwich. Burton, M., 2008. Legal responses to Domestic Violence. Oxon: Routledge-Cavendish. CAADA (Co-ordinated Action Against Domestic Abuse). Key statistics on the prevalence of domestic abuse [online]. Bristol: Co-ordinated Action Against Domestic Abuse. Available from: [Accessed 17 January 2014]. Cree, V., 2008. Feminism: Past It, Lost Cause or Unfinished Revolution? [online]. University of Edinburgh Social Work Seminar. Available from: [Accessed 6th February 2014]. Cumbee Center. History of Domestic Violence [online]. Cumbee Center to Assist Abused Persons. Available from: [Accessed 6th February 2014]. Dipty, D., 2009. The Three Dimensions of Domestic Violence. Oklahoma: Tate Publishing Enterprises. Elliot, C. and Quinn, F., 2012. Criminal Law. Ninth Edition. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited Erez, E., 2002. Domestic Violence and the Criminal Justice System: An Overview. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing [online]. 7 (1). Gaz, LS., 2012. Features: How to stop domestic Violence. Law Society Gazette [online]. 41. Home Office., 2013. Domestic violence and abuse [online]. Home Office. Available from: [Accessed 4th February 2014]. Home Office, 2013. Ending violence against women and girls in the UK [online]. Home Office. Available from: [Accessed 4th February 2014]. Hoyle, C. and Sanders, A., 2000. Police Response to Domestic Violence. The British Journal of Criminology [online], 40 (1): 14-36. Hughes, C., 2010. Second Wave Feminism [online]. Available from: [Accessed 11th February 2014]. ICADV, 1999. History of Battered Women’s Movement [online]. SafeNetwork: California’s Domestic Violence Resource. Available from: [Accessed 6th February 2014]. Kury, H. and Smartt, U., 2006. Domestic Violence: Recent Developments in German and English Legislation and Law Enforcement. European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice. 14 (4): 382-407. Lowenstein, L.F., 2005. Domestic Violence: Recent Research Part 1. Justice of the Peace [online]. 196 (37). Matczak, A., Hatzidimitriadou, E., and Lindsay, J., 2011. Review of Domestic Violence Policies in England and Wales. London: Kingston University and St George‘s, University of London. Mendes, K., 2009. Reporting the womens movement: A cross-national comparison of representations of second wave feminism and equal rights issues in the United Kingdom and United States daily press, 1968-1982. Cardiff University. Paradine, K. and Wilkinson, J., 2004. A Research and Literature Review Protection and Accountability: The Reporting, Investigation and Prosecution of Domestic Violence Cases [online]. National Centre for Policing Excellence, Centrex. Parliament. Key dates [online]. Parliament United Kingdom. Available from:, [Accessed 6th February 2014]. Summers, R. and Hoffman, A.M., 2002. Domestic Violence: A Global View. Westport: Greenwood Press. United Kingdom Legislations. Housing (Homeless Persons) Act 1977 [online]. United Kingdom. Available from: [Accessed 11th February 2014]. Welstead, M. and Edwards, S., 2011. Family Law. Third Edition. New York: Oxford University Press Inc. Women’s aid, 2008. Domestic Violence a historical perspective [online]. Women’s aid. Available from: [Accessed 4th February 2014]. Women’s aid. Our history [online]. Women’s aid. Available from: [Accessed 4th February 2014]. Women Safe, 2002. Overview of Historical Laws that Supported Domestic Violence [online]. Women Safe. Available from: [Accessed 3rd February 2014].
Friday, September 20, 2019
Types of Tonsillitis: An Overview of Causes and Treatments
Types of Tonsillitis: An Overview of Causes and Treatments There are 2 main types of tonsillitis: acute and chronic. Acute tonsillitis can either be bacterial or viral in origin. Subacute tonsillitis is caused by the bacterium Actinomyces. Chronic tonsillitis can last for long periods of time if not treated, and is mostly caused by bacterial infection. Symptoms of tonsillitis include a severe sore throat, (which may be experienced as referred pain to the ears), painful/difficult swallowing, coughing, headache, myalgia (muscle aches), fever and chills. Tonsillitis is characterized by signs of red, swollen tonsils which may have a purulent exudative coating of white patches (i.e. pus). Swelling of the eyes, face, and neck may occur. In some cases, symptoms of tonsillitis may be confused with symptoms for EBV infectious mononucleosis, known colloquially as mono(US) or Glandular Fever (elsewhere). Common symptoms of Glandular Fever include fatigue, loss of appetite, an enlarged spleen, enlarged lymph nodes, and a severe sore throat, sometimes accompanied by exudative patches of pus. It is also important to understand that symptoms will be experienced differently for each person. Cases that are caused by bacteria are often followed by skin rash and a flushed face. Tonsillitis that is caused by a virus will develop symptoms that are flu-like such as runny nose or aches and pains throughout the body. Even though the infection will not cure immediately, tonsillitis symptoms usually improve 2 or 3 days after treatment starts. Acute tonsillitis is caused by both bacteria and viruses and will be accompanied by symptoms of ear pain when swallowing, bad breath, and drooling along with sore throat and fever. In this case, the surface of the tonsil may be bright red or have a grayish-white coating, while the lymph nodes in the neck may be swollen. The most common form of acute tonsillitis is strep throat, which can be followed by symptoms of skin rash, pneumonia, and ear infection. This particular strand of tonsillitis can lead to damage to the heart valves and kidneys if not treated. Extreme tiredness and malaise are also experienced with this condition with the enlargement of the lymph nodes and adenoids. Chronic tonsillitis is a persistent infection in the tonsils. Since this infection is repetitive, crypts or pockets can form in the tonsils where bacteria can store. Frequently, small, foul smelling stones (tonsilloliths) are found within these crypts that are made of high quantities of sulfur. These stones cause a symptom of a full throat or a throat that has something caught in the back. A foul breath that is characterized by the smell of rotten eggs (because of the sulfur) is also a symptom of this condition. Other symptoms that can be caused by tonsillitis that are not normally associated with it include snoring and disturbed sleep patterns. These conditions develop as the tonsils enlarge and begin to obstruct other areas of the throat. A persons voice is generally affected by this type of illness and changes in the tone of voice a person normally has. While a person may only become hoarse, it is possible for laryngitis to develop if the throat is used too much while the tonsils are swollen or inflamed. Other uncommon symptoms that can be experienced with tonsillitis include vomiting, constipation, a tongue that feels furry or fuzzy, difficulty opening the mouth, headaches and a feeling of dry or cotton mouth. Causes Under normal circumstances, as viruses and bacteria enter the body through the nose and mouth, they are filtered in the tonsils. The tonsils work by surrounding them with white blood cells which causes the body to develop a fever that can become extremely high in children. Should the infection become serious, the tonsils will inflame and become painful. The infection may also be present in the throat and surrounding areas, causing inflammation of the pharynx. [2] This is the area in the back of the throat that lies between the voice box and the tonsils. Tonsillitis may be caused by Group A streptococcal bacteria, resulting in strep throat. Viral tonsillitis may be caused by numerous viruses such as the Epstein-Barr virus (the cause of infectious mononucleosis) or adenovirus. Sometimes, tonsillitis is caused by a infection of spirochaeta and treponema, in this case called Vincents angina or Plaut-Vincent angina.[5] Although tonsillitis is associated with infection, it is currently unknown whether the swelling and other symptoms are caused by the infectious agents themselves, or by the host immune response to these agents. Tonsillitis may be a result of aberrant immune responses to the normal bacterial flora of the nasopharynx. The viruses that cause tonsillitis are often the ones that frequently affect the respiratory system or breathing. Most cases are caused by a virus and will only require treatment of sore throat remedies that can be bought over the counter. Bacteria-caused tonsillitis, however, is treated with prescribed antibiotic medication to reduce the risk for further complications. Tonsillitis most often affects children whose tonsils are responsible for fighting infections. This is also true because as we age, our tonsils become less active. Rare cases have been diagnosed with fungi or parasites being the cause. This generally takes place in persons with weakened immune systems. There is no research to state that smoking cigarettes causes tonsillitis, however it is widely accepted that smoking weakens the immune system. Also, children and adults who live in a smoke-prone environment may be exposed to factors that could result in a tonsillectomy. Treatment Treatments of tonsillitis consist of pain management medications and lozenges. If the tonsillitis is caused by bacteria, then antibiotics are prescribed, with penicillin being most commonly used. Erythromycin and Clarithromycin are used for patients allergic to penicillin. In many cases of tonsillitis, the pain caused by the inflamed tonsils warrants the prescription of topical anesthetics for temporary relief. Viscous lidocaine solutions are often prescribed for this purpose, and anaesthetic throat lozenges containing benzocaine, lignocaine, benzydamine and flubiprofen are widely avaliable without prescription. Ibuprofen or other analgesics such as aspirin or paracetamol can help to decrease the edema and inflammation, which will ease the pain and allow the patient to swallow liquids sooner.[6] When tonsillitis is caused by a virus, the length of illness depends on which virus is involved. Usually, a complete recovery is made within one week; however, some rare infections may last for up to two weeks. Chronic cases may indicate tonsillectomy (surgical removal of tonsils) as a choice for treatment. Additionally, gargling with a solution of warm water and salt may reduce pain and swelling. If you are suffering from tonsilloliths (Tonsil stones) try to avoid dairy products like milk, ice cream, yogurt etc. Complications An abscess may develop lateral to the tonsil during an infection, typically several days after the onset of tonsillitis. This is termed a peritonsillar abscess (or quinsy). Rarely, the infection may spread beyond the tonsil resulting in inflammation and infection of the internal jugular vein giving rise to a spreading septicaemia infection (Lemierres syndrome). In chronic/recurrent cases (generally defined as seven episodes of tonsillitis in the preceding year, five episodes in each of the preceding two years or three episodes in each of the preceding three years), or in acute cases where the palatine tonsils become so swollen that swallowing is impaired, a tonsillectomy can be performed to remove the tonsils. Patients whose tonsils have been removed are certainly still protected from infection by the rest of their immune system. Bacteria feeding on mucus which accumulates in pits (referred to as crypts) in the tonsils may produce whitish-yellow deposits known as tonsilloliths. These may emit an odour due to the presence of volatile sulfur compounds. Hypertrophy of the tonsils can result in snoring, mouth breathing, disturbed sleep, and obstructive sleep apnea, during which the patient stops breathing and experiences a drop in the oxygen content in the bloodstream. A tonsillectomy can be curative. In very rare cases, diseases like rheumatic fever or glomerulonephritis can occur. These complications are extremely rare in developed nations but remain a significant problem in poorer nations Bronchitis Bronchitis is an obstructive respiratory disease that may occur in both acute and chronic forms. Acute bronchitis: Inflammation of the bronchial passages most commonly caused by infection with bacteria or viruses. Acute bronchitis is generally a self-limiting condition in healthy individuals but can have much more severe consequences in individuals who are weakened with other illness or who are immunocompromised. Symptoms of acute bronchitis often include productive cough, dyspnea and possible fever. Chronic bronchitis: Chronic bronchitis is a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that is most frequently associated with cigarette smoking (approximately 90% of cases). Chronic bronchitis may also be caused by prolonged exposure to inhaled particulates such as coal dust or other pollutants. The disease is characterized by excess mucus production in the lower respiratory tract. This mucus accumulation can impair function of the ciliated epithelium and lining of the respiratory tract and prevent the clearing of debris and organisms. As a result, patients with chronic bronchitis often suffer repeated bouts of respiratory infection. Chronic bronchitis sufferers are often referred to as blue bloaters as a result of the cyanosis and peripheral edema that is often present. Manifestations of chronic bronchitis Productive, chronic cough Production of purulent sputum Frequent respiratory infections Dyspnea Hypoxia, cyanosis Symptoms of cor pulmonale Fluid accumulation in later stages Treatment of chronic bronchitis Cessation of smoking or exposure to irritants Bronchodilators to open airway passages Expectorants to loosen mucus Anti-inflammatories to relieve airway inflammation and reduce mucus secretion Prophylactic antibiotics for respiratory infections Oxygen therapy Bronchial asthma Asthma is a condition characterized by reversible bronchospasm and chronic inflammation of airway passages. The incidence of asthma has been steadily increasing in recent years. Although the exact etiology is still uncertain, there appears to be a definite genetic predisposition to the development of asthma. A key component of asthma appears to be airway hyper reactivity in affected individuals. Exposure to certain triggers can induce marked bronchospasm and airway inflammation in susceptible patients. Individuals with asthma appear to produce large amounts of the antibody IgE that attach to the mast cells present in many tissues. Exposure to a trigger such as pollen will result in the allergen-binding mast cell-bound IgE, which in turn causes the release of inflammatory mediators such as histamine, leukotrienes and eosinophilic chemotactic factor. Some Potential Asthma Triggers Allergens Pollen, pet dander, fungi, dust mites Cold air Pollutants Cigarette smoke Strong emotions Exercise Respiratory tract infections Clinical Classification of Asthma Mild intermittent Attacks occur 2 times per week or less Mild persistent Attacks occur more than 2 times per week Moderate persistent Attacks occur daily or almost daily and are severe enough to affect activity Severe persistent Attacks are very frequent and persist for a long period of time; attacks severely limit activity The response of a patient with asthma to these triggers can be divided into an early phase and a late phase. Early phase of asthma: The early phase of asthma is characterized by marked constriction of bronchial airways and bronchospasm that is accompanied by edema of the airways and the production of excess mucus. The bronchospasm that occurs may be the result of the increased release of certain inflammatory mediators such as histamine, prostaglandins and bradykinin that, in the early stages of asthmatic response, promote bronchoconstriction rather than inflammation. Late phase of asthma: The late phase of asthma can occur several hours after the initial onset of symptoms and manifests mainly as an inflammatory response. The primary mediators of inflammation during the asthmatic response are the white blood cells eosinophils that stimulate mast cell degranulation and release substances that attract other white cells to the area. Subsequent infiltration of the airway tissues with white blood cells such as neutrophils and lymphocytes also contributes to the overall inflammatory response of the late phase of asthma. Manifestations of asthma Coughing, wheezing Difficulty breathing Rapid, shallow breathing Increased respiratory rate Excess mucus production Barrel chest due to trapping of air in the lungs Significant anxiety Staging of the Severity of an Acute Asthma Attack Stage I (mild) Mild dyspnea Diffuse wheezing Adequate air exchange Stage II (moderate) Respiratory distress at rest Marked wheezing Stage III (severe) Marked respiratory distress Cyanosis Marked wheezing or absence of breath sounds Stage IV (respiratory failure) Severe respiratory distress, lethargy, confusion, prominent pulsus paradoxus Complications of asthma Possible complications of asthma can include the occurrence of status asthmaticus, which is a life-threatening condition of prolonged bronchospasm that is often not responsive to drug therapy. Pneumothorax is also a possible consequence as a result of lung pressure increases that can result from the extreme difficulty involved in expiration during a prolonged asthma attack. Marked hypoxemia and acidosis might also occur and can result in overall respiratory failure. Treatment of asthma The appropriate drug treatment regimen for asthma is based on the frequency and severity of the asthma attacks and may include the following: Avoidance of triggers, and allergens. Improved ventilation of the living spaces, use of air conditioning. 2. Bronchodilators (Examples: albuterol, terbutaline) Short acting Î’-adrenergic receptor activators. May be administered as needed in the form of a nebulizer solution using a metered dispenser or may be given subcutaneously. These drugs block bronchoconstriction but do not prevent the inflammatory response. 3. Xanthine drugs (Example: theophylline) Cause bronchodilation but may also inhibit the late phase of asthma. These drugs are often used orally as second-line agents in combination with other asthma therapies such as steroids. Drug like theophylline can have significant central nervous system, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal side effects that limit their overall usefulness. 4. Anti-inflammatory drugs (Corticosteroids) Used orally or by inhalation to blunt the inflammatory response of asthma. The most significant unwanted effects occur with long-term oral use of corticosteroids and may include immunosuppression, increased susceptibility to infection, osteoporosis and effects on other hormones such as the glucocorticoids. 5. Cromolyn sodium Anti-inflammatory agent that blocks both the early and late phase of asthma. The mechanism of action is unclear but may involve mast cell function or responsiveness to allergens. 6. Leukotriene modifiers (Example: Zafirlukast) New class of agents that blocks the synthesis of the key inflammatory mediators, leukotrienes. Emphysema Emphysema is a respiratory disease that is characterized by destruction and permanent enlargement of terminal bronchioles and alveolar air sacs. Well over 95% of all patients with emphysema were chronic cigarette smokers. Although the exact etiology of emphysema is still uncertain, it appears that chronic exposure to cigarette smoke causes chronic inflammation of the alveolar airways, which results in infiltration by lymphocytes and macrophages. Excess release of protease enzymes such as trypsin from lung tissues and leukocytes can digest and destroy the elastic walls of the alveoli. Alveolar air sacs become enlarged and distended as their structure is affected and their elasticity lost. Levels of a protective enzyme ÃŽÂ ±-1-antitrypsin have been shown to be lacking in certain individuals who are chronic cigarette smokers. This enzyme inactivates destructive protease enzymes in lung tissue. In fact, a rare form of emphysema occurs in individuals who are not cigarette smokers but who have a genetic lack of ÃŽÂ ±-1-antitrypsin. Manifestations of emphysema: The major physiologic changes seen in emphysema are a loss of alveolar (lung) elasticity and a decrease in the overall surface area for gas exchange within the lungs. Manifestations include the following: Tachypnea (increased respiratory rate): Because the increased respiratory rate in these individuals is effective in maintaining arterial blood gases, one does not usually see hypoxia or cyanosis until the end stages of the disease. Patients with emphysema are often referred to as pink puffers because of their high respiratory rates and lack of obvious cyanosis. Dyspnea Barrel chest from prolonged expiration Lack of purulent sputum Possible long-term consequences, including cor pulmonale, respiratory failure Chronic bronchitis Emphysema Mild dyspnea Dyspnea that may be severe Productive cough Dry or no cough Cyanosis common Cyanosis rare Respiratory infection common Infrequent infections Onset usually after 40 years of age Onset usually after 50 years of age History of cigarette smoking History of cigarette smoking Cor pulmonale common Cor pulmonale in terminal stages Types of Emphysema Cough Reflex The bronchi and trachea are so sensitive to light touch that very slight amount of foreign matter or other causes of irritation initiate the cough reflex. The larynx and carina (the point where the trachea divides into the bronchi) are especially sensitive, and the terminal bronchioles and even the alveoli are sensitive to corrosive chemical stimuli such as sulphur dioxide gas or chlorine gas. Afferent nerve impulses pass from the respiratory passages mainly through the vagus nerves to the medulla of the brain. There, an automatic sequence of events is triggered by the neuronal circuits of the medulla, causing the following effect. First, up to 2.5 liters of air are rapidly inspired. Second, the epiglottis closes, and the vocal cords shut tightly to entrap the air within the lungs. Third, the abdominal muscles contract forcefully, pushing against the diaphragm while other expiratory muscles, such as the internal intercostals, also contract forcefully. Consequently, the pressure in the lungs rises rapidly to as much as 100 mm Hg or more. Fourth, the vocal cords and the epiglottis suddenly open widely, so that air under this high pressure in the lungs explodes outward. Indeed, sometimes this air is expelled at velocities ranging from 75 to 100 miles per hour. Importantly, the strong compression of the lungs collapses the bronchi and trachea by causing their non-cartilaginous parts to invaginate inward, so that the exploding air actually passes through bronchial and tracheal slits. The rapidly moving air usually carries with it any foreign matter that is present in the bronchi or trachea. CO Poisoning Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless gas that is produced during the combustion of fuels such as gasoline, coal, oil, and wood. As you know, CO is a poison that may cause death if inhaled in more than very small quantities or for more than a short period of time. The reason CO is so toxic is that it forms a very strong and stable bond with the hemoglobin in RBCs (carboxyhemoglobin). Hemoglobin with CO bonded to it cannot bond to and transport oxygen. The effect of CO, therefore, is to drastically decrease the amount of oxygen carried in the blood. As little as 0.1% CO in inhaled air can saturate half the total hemoglobin with CO. Lack of oxygen is often apparent in people with light skin as cyanosis, a bluish cast to the skin, lips, and nail beds. This is because hemoglobin is dark red unless something (usually oxygen) is bonded to it. When hemoglobin bonds to CO, however, it becomes a bright, cherry red. This color may be seen in light skin and may be very misleading; the person with CO poisoning is in a severely hypoxic state. Although CO is found in cigarette smoke, it is present in such minute quantities that it is not lethal. Heavy smokers, however, may be in a mild but chronic hypoxic state because much of their hemoglobin is firmly bonded to CO. As compensation, RBC production may increase, and a heavy smoker may have a hematocrit over 50%.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Majungatholus Atopus: A Dinosaur Cannibal :: Anthropology Essays Paleontology Papers
Majungatholus Atopus: A Dinosaur Cannibal The dinosaur Majungatholus atopus is a meat-eating dinosaur that lived 65 to 70 million years ago, during the Cretaceous period, in what is now the island of Madagascar. The Majungatholus has long been known for being a carnivorous dinosaur, but it wasn’t until recently that researchers revealed that this dinosaur was probably a cannibal. They were able to conclude that this was probably the case as a result of discovering several bones of the Majungatholus dinosaur with specific tooth marks in them that researchers have proven belonged to the Majungatholus dinosaur. In her 2003 press release for the National Science Foundation (NSF), Cheryl Dybas quoted the NSF program director Richard Lane, â€Å"this research greatly expands our understanding of how dinosaur species related to each other in the context of their environment, and also serves as a way of increasing public awareness of and appreciation for the earth sciences."1[1] There was one other discovery of what might have been another cannibal dinosaur; the Coelophysis bauri, a small Triassic theropod2[2], this discovery however has not yet been proven and may be unconfirmed. The discovery of the Majungatholus however has what geologist Raymond Rogers calls the â€Å"smoking gun in the form of diagnostic tooth marks,†which are â€Å"a ‘snapshot’ of a day in the life-- and deathâ€â€of Majungatholus.†3[3] There is however no evidence to point to whether or not Majungatholus killed its meals or simply scavenged. Rogers says the evidence for the theory of cannibalism comes from twenty-one tooth marked elements which were a part of two different Majungatholus individuals found in two isolated locations on the island of Madagascar.4[4] On these bones are distinct sets of tooth marks that point only to being from the jaws of a Majungatholus dinosaur; the marks not only match the size and spacing of the teeth found in the jaws of the Majungatholus, but they also have the same smaller grooves that match the sharp irregularities of this particular dinosaur. According to Rogers, â€Å"measurements taken from the modified bones and the Majungatholus teeth are comparable.†5[5] The set of parallel tooth marks found on one of the bones matched up with the same approximate inter-tooth spacing as the jaw of the Majungatholus. This particular dinosaur also can display an even pattern of tooth eruption that is evident in several of the bones in the sample.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Analysis of Hills Like White Elephants Essay -- Hills Like White Elepha
Analysis of Hills Like White Elephants â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†, by Ernest Hemingway, is a short story published in 1927 that takes place in a train station in Spain with a man and a woman discussing an operation. Most of the story is simply dialogue between the two characters, the American and Jig. This couple is at a critical point in their lives when they must decide whether or not to have an abortion. Certain themes arise from this story such as choices and consequences, doubt and ambiguity, and how men and women relate. Hemingway also uses many examples of symbolism in â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†, including descriptions of the surrounding scenery, the hills themselves, and the station where the action takes place. Clearly, this short story crosses timelines to become relevant to both the early twentieth century and modern times. The most obvious theme recognized early in this short story is that of choices and consequences. The couple is unmarried and the girl has become pregnant, but the man wants her to have an abortion. The American obviously believes that the abortion will free the couple from any responsibilities, which is what they have been experiencing before this turn of events (Short Stories for Students 158). The man also feels that the pregnancy is the only thing that has caused them to have arguments and become unhappy with each other in the relationship (Hamid 77). Clearly, the girl is reluctant in her decision to have the abortion. She feels that either choice she makes will not have much of an effect on their long-term relationship and hopes of finding true love and happiness (Short Stories for Students 158). Another theme found in â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†is that of doubt and ... ...ingway allowed this story to be open for discussion for many years to follow, allowing it to not only reflect the ideas of pre-World War II Europe, but to be adapted to the thoughts of modern societies. Bibliography: Works Cited Akers, Tim (Ed.). Short Stories for Students (Vol. 6). Farmington Hills, MI: Gale, 1999. 158-170. Beacham, Walton. Critical Survey of Short Fiction. Ed. Frank N. Magill. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Salem Press, 1981. 6-8 Hamid, Syed Ali. â€Å"Men with Women: Hemingway ‘Love Stories’†. The Short Fiction of Ernest Hemingway. New Delhi: Ashish Publishing House, 1985. 77-78. Johnston, Kenneth G. Short Stories for Students (Vol. 6). Ed. Tim Akers. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale, 1999. 167-168. Weeks, Lewis E. Jr. Short Stories for Students (Vol. 6). Ed. Tim Akers. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale, 1999. 169-170.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Reasons of divorce Essay
I. Introduction A. what is divorce? B. reasons of divorce Thesis Statement: Divorce should not be legalized in the Philippines because it is a long dangerous process, detrimental to the children, and will start custody battle. II. Body A. Divorce is a long and dangerous process Counter argument: the divorce process will benefit freedom from the divorcee Refutation: While on process, divorce can cause serious psychological impacts to the children unless you can find a way to make sure the child is safe. B. Divorce is detrimental to children Counter Argument: divorce will teach children to be responsible and to adapt in life situations Refutation: Children are far worse off financially, educationally and emotionally than at times when parents stay together. On top of this, their sense of stability and security will decrease rapidly as well. C. Divorce will start fights over custody Counter Argument: the offspring will be the one to choose the parent he/she will stay with. Refutation: Parents should have equal time with the child and always be there for them III. Conclusion Revision of thesis statement NO TO DIVORCE Divorce is an agreement between married people to terminate their marriage relationship. It can be referred to as dissolution of marriage and is basically, the action that ends the marriage before the death of either spouse. There are many different and complex causes and reasons for divorce, each of them specific to that particular couple’s marital relationship, their individual experiences, and personal problems. None of them may seem ‘common’ to the people going through a divorce, of course, but many of the reasons recur enough to warrant the term. Divorce has become a ubiquitous procedure worldwide, affecting not only parents and their children, but also the people that surrounds the family unit, and therefore presents a terrifying threat for the affected child. Nevertheless, despite of the conventionality of divorce, it perseveres to affect various aspects of children’s daily lives and practice. Children and adolescents are therefore deprived of a c ustomary and stable family upbringing and hence suffer the disadvantages of a single-parent family structure. Divorce can be counted as a common legal procedure for the bifurcation of marriage, which eventually results in the separation of two parents and certain division of property and final custodial guarding of children. Divorce should not be legalized in the Philippines because it is a long dangerous process, detrimental to the children, and will start custody battle. Divorce is a process that will take a long time before approval. Even though it will benefit the divorcee because of the freedom that will be gained, their offspring will suffer during the process. The freedom of the divorcee will not change that he/she will still have responsibilities to their child, It will not make sense to start a new life without looking back and bringing the child he/she had in the past. During the process, their child will be unsure if his/her parents will end up together or not, and may do acts of rebellion because of the situation. Divorce can cause serious psychological impacts to the children un less the parents can find a way to make sure the child is safe. It will also cost a lot of money before and during process. If lots of money is used for divorce, how will they sustain the financial needs of their child? Separation of parents will cause trauma to children, Studies have distinguished that children and adolescents raised in an intact family structure display evidence of disciplined behavior, as opposed to their counterparts that are often characterized by delinquency and regressive attitude. Children experience extensive loss and unexpected change after the divorce of their parents. The majority of the effects of divorce are unpleasant since children are deprived of a formerly familiar environment and status in the community. Children typically experience grief and melancholia as they undergo through various mood changes, involving overreaction, loss of personal identity and the inability to adjust to a differential setting. Children at young age should not experience this and are too young to be responsible and adapt in this situation. Once the divorce is approved, the main problem would be, who will take custody of the child? Custody of children is one of the most intense aspects in family litigation.The general rule is that a child under seven years old, shall not be separated from the mother which is based on the basic need of a child for his mother’s loving care article 213 of the family code provides that †no child under seven years of age shall be separated from the mother, unless the court finds compelling reasons to order otherwise†. This issue will again start a new argument to the parents and once more submitted to the court. The law of child custody is not absolute, because once the parents are separated it is automatic that the child under seven years will be with the mother, but if the mother is not able enough to sustain the needs of the child, it is not right to do so. Divorce will lead to many problems affecting the children and the people that surrounds the family unit. People should not quit relationships, they should quit three A’s, adultery, addiction, and abuse. Divorce is never a solution, it’s a suffer to a child involve. Reference: demo, d. h., and cox, m. (2000). â€Å"families with young children: a review of research in the 1990s.†journal of marriage and the family 62:876–895. amato, p. r. (2000). â€Å"the consequences of divorce for adults and children.†journal of marriage and the family 62:1269–1287. linsa (2009,march 18). Telling your spouse you want a divorce [Web log post]. Retrieved from
Monday, September 16, 2019
Anatomy And Biomechanics Of Thumb Health And Social Care Essay
In rugger, the rate of hurt is three times higher than association football and football. More figure of hurts faced by the young person of aged 10-18 old ages. 90 % of the hurts to male childs, grownups of age 25-34 old ages besides are at high hazard. The hurts normally occur during lucifer than preparation, 40 % of hurts are muscular strain and bruise and 30 % of hurts are strain developed by break, over usage, laceration and disruption. About 57 % of hurts occur during high pacing of the lucifer, frequently in 2nd half of the lucifer. Frequent hurts will be in upper limb particularly in pollex. Thumb will wound often while undertaking and go throughing the ball. Players who are in decompression sicknesss and sledges will acquire hurts in pollex with laceration and scratch from cleats ( Facts on Rugby hurts, 2009 ) . Thumb plays a major function in human organic structure. It initiates 50 % of manus map as a whole. The pollex is alone from other fingers in both anatomically every bit good as bio-mechanically. ( Ashkenaze, et Al, 1992 ) Anatomically, thumb consists of a metacarpal and two phalanges ; in the distal row of carpal castanetss, trapezium with this bone. ( Donald, 2008 ) . The thumb gives opposition to the other fingers and thenar whilst making grasping and preciseness. Thumb is working like a mechanical constituent dynamic ligament and strong musculuss ( Imaeda.T, et Al, 1992 ) . â€Å" The trapeziometacarpal articulation is potentially the most unstable but has adapted to its alone place by particular joint geometry and, in peculiar, a combination of support ligaments that permit a broad scope of gesture yet stableness †( Imaeda.T, et Al, 1992, The metacarpophalangeal articulation has six-degree freedom of motion, extension and flexin, adduction and abduction, supination and pronation. The scope of motion in thumb metacarpophalangeal articulation is non standard for everyone, the fluctuation is depends on the radius of curvature of the metacarpal caput. Incidence of hurt additions, when there is a restriction in scope of gesture within the articulations. The intrinsic stableness is minimum in metacarpophalangeal articulation ; proper and accessary indirect ligament renders the sidelong support. The beginning of proper indirect ligament is from the sidelong condyles of metacarpal, which lies sidelong and infix on the palmar facet of proximal phalanx. This ligament is tight during flexure and relaxes during extension. The accessary collateral originates from cervix of metacarpal and inserted into the palmar home base and sesamoid bone. This ligament is tight during extension and relaxes during flexure ( Donald, 2008 ) .Carpometacarpal articulationThe articulation of carpometacarpal articulation is between trapezium and base of metacarpal. It is saddle assortment of articulation, which interlocked in return with perpendicular longitudinal axis ( Donald, 2008 ) . Abduction and adduction, this motion occurs in the concave plane of carpometacarpal articulation. The metacarpal axial rotations and semivowels in opposite way during abduction and adduction of carpometacarpal articulation ( perpendicular to handle ) . Flexure and extension, this motion occurs in bulging plane of carpometacarpal articulation. The metacarpal axial rotations and semivowels in same way during flexure and extension of carpometacarpal articulation. ( Norkin, et Al, 1992 ) The anterior volar and posterior oblique ligament, the front tooth and posterior intermetacarpal ligament and dorsal radial ligament provide the ligamentous stableness for trapeziometacarpal articulation. The beginning of anterior ( palmar ) oblique is from trapezium and inserted into palmar portion of the pollex metacarpal. This is the premier ligament for stableness of carpometacarpal articulation. The dorsal ligament is reenforcing by anterior posterior ligament because dorsal ligament is non effectual as palmar ligament ( Donald, 2008 ) .Common INJURIES IN THUMB FOR RUGBY PLAYERSThumb Metacarpal Fracture:Metacarpal caput of thumb break is uncommon, indirect to mobility of CMC articulation of pollex. Mechanism of hurt is direct injury. Shaft break of pollex metacarpal is besides uncommon, indirect to mobility of CMC articulation, due to the presence of strong cortical bone of pollex. High energy is required to fall in the shaft of pollex metacarpal than shaft of metacarpal of othe r finger. Shortening and mal rotary motion leads to fracture of this bone, which happens due to slackness of intermetacarpal ligament and due to altered force of the intrinsic musculuss. Fracture base of pollex metacarpal is common in rugger. Mechanism of hurt is due to the axial burden on partly flexed shaft of metacarpal. The mobility of the CMC is important, minor to the anatomy of trapezium and base of metacarpal. Two sorts of saddle articulations are topographic point in propinquity whose axis is perpendicular to each other ( Donald.R.L, 2008 ) . ‘Ligamentous stableness at the trapeziometacarpal articulation is maintained by the front tooth ( palmar ) and posterior oblique ligaments, anterior and posterior intermetacarpal ligaments, and the dorsal radial ligament ‘ ( Donald, 2008, p-5 ) . Fracture of metacarpal base differentiated into intra articular and excess articular. The intra is articular divided into Bennett ‘s break and Rolando ‘s break. Fractures in excess articular portion of metacarpal base are common. The breaks most likely occur in oblique or in cross manner, which takes topographic point proximal to metaphyseal-diaphyseal junction. Due to the drawing force of adductor pollicis and flexor pollicis brevis and kidnapper pollicis brevis ; the distal fragment adducted and flexed ( Donald.R.L, 2008 ) .Bennett ‘s FractureFracture disruption of first metacarpal with subluxation and carpo metacarpal articular surface break. This break disruption is common in rugger participants. Bennett ‘s break is an intra articular break with subluxation, the subluxation is due to the withdrawal of deep ulnar ligament which is the strong stabilizer for carpo metacarpal articulation. During break, the break segments reposition the joint surface. This in bend causes disruption hence it known as break disruption. The mechanism of hurt is direct blow on partly flexed pollex whilst the participant tries to undertake an opposition. Failure to handle can take to disablement through hold in pinching, bitching and resistance motion of pollex. ( Priano SV, Baratz ME, 2008 )Rolando ‘s Fracture:It is same as Bennett ‘s break with comminuted break at the base of first metacarpal. It is besides called three portion break. There will be in Y or T shaped intra articular break at base of metacarpal. The three shred break parts are base of dorsal metacarpal, bovine spongiform encephalitis of palmar metacarpal and shaft of metacarpal. This break is non common but the forecast is worst than Bennett ‘s break. Mechanism of hurt is increased axial tenseness to the partly flexed pollex, which burst and interrupt the articular surface of first metacarpal. ( Priano, Baratz, 2008 )Fracture of thumb phalanges:The pollex has two phalanges ; distal and proximal phalanx. The most common site of break in pollex phalanges is shaft and caput. The break of distal phalanx divided into intra articular and excess articular break. The excess articular bunch break, normally accompanied with soft tissue hurts like loss of soft tissue, hurt to nail bed and posttraumatic neuromas. Mechanism of hurt is due to direct blow or direct hit. Intra articular break is due to avulsion hurt of the sinew. There are two types of intra articular breaks viz. , mallet break and New Jersey break. Avulsion of extensor sinew is mallet break and flexor digitorum profundus is jersey break. Proximal phalanx breaks are common in phalangeal caput and shaft. ( Laub, Priano, 2008 ) .Ulnar indirect hurtThe ulnar indirect ligament of metacarpophalangeal articulation injured due to the forceful abduction of metacarpophalangeal articulation. There will be partial or full tear of the ligament associated with avulsion break of palmar base of proximal phalanx. ( Le ggit, Meko 2006 ) . In uncomplete rupture, proper ulnar collateral ligament ruptures but the accessary ulnar collateral ligament still integral. In complete rupture, there will be complete rupture of both the proper collateral ligament and accessary indirect ligament. The ulnar indirect ligament normally ruptures from the interpolation of the distal portion, over the proximal phalanx base ( Donald, 2008 ) . When, the distal portion lies superficial and proximal to adductor apponeurosis. This fluctuation called as a Stener lesion. The discrepancy does non mend due to the interjection of the adductor aponeurosis between distal and proximal ligament terminals ( Donald, 2008 ) . ‘Gamekeepers suffered chronic hurt due to contorting the cervixs of game between their pollex and index finger ‘ ( Foye, et al 2007 ) . Hence, it besides called game warden ‘s pollex. It is besides common in athleticss people who play with ball ( rugger, baseball ) . Presence of swelling and contusing on the joint with the thumb hyper extended and deviated laterally. Painful over the ulnar portion of MCP articulation associated with decreased ability of appreciation and pinching ( Foye PM, Raanan J, Stitik TP, 2007 ) . After the exclusion of break, estimate the ligament stabilisation by giving antagonistic force per unit area to one side and using abduction force per unit area to the other side of UCL. Evaluate with uninjured manus ( Donald, 2008 ) .Mallet pollexAvulsion of the extensor sinew causes the pollex to be fixed in partial flexure with the presence of cadaverous fragment. This avulsion occurs due to the high impact flexure of the interphalangeal articulati on. Tendon break will be present in unfastened mallet pollex caused by laceration ( Leggit, Meko, 2006 ) . Closed mallet thumb hurt is non common. The mechanism of closed mallet hurt is indirect to an acute forceful flexure of IP articulation of the pollex ( Donald, 2008 ) .Dislocation of interphalangeal articulation of pollexThe primary motion of interphalangeal articulation is flexure and extension, because interphalangeal joint maps as flexible joint articulation. Interphalangeal joint stableness to ulnar and radial force maintained by collateral and accessary indirect ligament associated with the trochlear form of the joint. A thick hempen gristle known as palmar home base supports the palmar facet of the joint. The palmar home base at interphalangeal articulation has a individual sesamoid in it ; which increase the mechanical advantage of flexor pollicis longus. Freedom in flexure and extension of interphalageal articulation is render by a flexible capsule present dorsally and volarly. The disruption of interphalangeal is uncommon. It occurs largely in dorsal. The mechanism of hurt is hyperextension with rotary motion ( Glickel et al, 2005 ) . The disruption is hard to cut down due to the ruptured palmar home base caparison ( Leggit, Meko, 2006 ) .Dislocation of Metacarpal phalange articulation of pollexPalmar disruption is less common than dorsal disruption. Palmar disruption normally accompanied by the rupture of indirect ligament with hurt to sesamoid bone. The ability to cut down is more palmar than dorsal disruption. The mechanism of hurt in dorsal disruption is hyperextension of metacarpophalangeal articulation, secondary to the autumn on stretched manus over the floor or direct impact over the thumb tip. In the disruption to the dorsal, normally there will be rupturing of palmar home base at proximal and motion at distal. The disruption is irreducible due interjection of palmar home base within the joint ( Glickel et al, 2005 ) .MECHANISM OF THUMB INJURY IN RUGBYTo develop preventative programs, it is of import to hold a good apprehension of the mechanism of hurt ( Gibbs, 1994 ) . The considerable scope of organic structure contact and hit between the participants were the ground behind the hurts in rugger ( Pringle, et Al, 1998 ) . Most of the hurts occur due to physical hit ; hence, bar of hurts is non possible to certain grade. The chief mechanism of most hurts is due to undertaking, which is the of import portion of rugger lucifer. Researches had done to the per centum of hurts in undertaking ; the per centum scope from 38.2 % ( Gabbett, 2003 ) and 77.2 % ( Nortan, et Al, 1995 ) . ‘Results are assorted sing the facet of the tackle doing hurt, with some writers happening more hurts happening to the participant tackled and others to the participant being tackled ‘ ( Hoskins, et Al, 2006, p 49 ) . The playing season have been affected by weariness hurts and repeated micro-trauma, which has an accumulative consequence. The certification of increasing hurt ratio states that as the patterned advance of season, the hurt degree additions, largely in the 2nd half of the season at non-professional ( Gabbett, 2000 ) and semi-professional degree ( Gabbett, 2003 and 04 ) . ‘Gabbett put this correlativity down to an addition in match strength towards finals. It could besides be the consequence or participants transporting hurts that have non to the full resolved ‘ ( Hoskins, et Al, 2006, p 52 ) In thumb most of the hurts occur during the lucifer than in preparation period. Thumb break may happen due to the forceful backward bending. Fracture of phalanges of pollex may happen when pluging a solid object or catching a ball, when the ball forces the thumb backward. During undertaking the opposition participant may nail the pollex by chance. There may be complete or partial tear of the ligaments that stabilizes the pollex articulation ( The doctor and athleticss medical specialty, 1997 ) .TREATMENT FOR THUMB INJURIESSoft TISSUE INJURIESIn soft tissue hurts, immobilisation of thumb articulation is appropriate for partial tear. Splints and patchs used for the immobilisation of the joint. Immobilizations maintained until the hurt heals. After three hebdomads of immobilisation, take the splints for making exercisings like flexure and extension with the aid of pollex. Set back the splints after the exercising, for the protection. Repeat this undertaking for two to three hebdomads, u ntil the swelling and tenderness reduces to certain scope. Apply ice over the hurt for two to three yearss after the hurt. In complete tear, surgery is the appropriate intervention. Avulsion break may happen during complete tear. After surgery, immobilisation done with short-arm dramatis personae or splint to protect the pollex, for six to eight hebdomads ( Sports scientific discipline orthopedic clinic, 2009 ) .Rehabilitation for soft tissue hurt of pollexProper rehabilitation is highly of import for soft tissue hurt. Because for a rugger participant, the one and merely focal point is acquiring back to full strength every bit shortly as possible ; So that they can return to developing and competition. Rest – Rest is most of import in the acute stage of hurt. Do non put to death an activity that causes hurting. Ice – Application of ice or cold battalion will cut down the redness. Apply over the pollex for 15 to 20 proceedingss ; go on this for 4 times a twenty-four hours. Medication – Take anodynes to cut down hurting and redness. Compression- Compressing the pollex with elastic compaction patch helps in cut downing the puffiness and stabilizes the pollex. Stretching – Gentle stretching should get down after the acute stage. Perform stretching in hurting free scope. Keep the stretch for 10 seconds with six repeats ( Sports scientific discipline orthopedic clinic, 2009 ) .FRACTURES OF THUMBPre infirmary attentionApplication of ice to the injured portion will cut down redness. Splinting may avoid motions whilst going to infirmary. The break will go unstable and hard to handle if there is hold in intervention. Prior to the definite intervention the pollex should splinted with tablet to avoid farther harm to the fractured bone.Emergency section attentionThumb breaks are intervened by surgeries. The specializers like manus or orthopedic sawbones make the determination for surgery. The boney alliance will restored by several operative arrested development techniques done by the manus sawbones. This arrested development holds the bone in topographic point until they heal. The internal arrested developments usually used for thumb break are wire, pins, home bases and prison guards. Another method called external arrested development, where the pins in the bone comes out of the tegument and attached to an external arrested development device. The pollex would immobilise with pollex Spica splint for all hurts in pollex ( American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and American Society for Surgery of the Hand, 2003 ) . Well-molded functional brace ( glove type or short arm pollex Spica ) have applied for 4 to 6 hebdomads ( Demirel, 2006 ) .Rehabilitation for thumb breakOutpatient therapy is required for the participants who have sustained break. Duration of intervention depends upon the location, type of break and continuance of immobilisation. The rehabilitation must be furnished depends upon the stableness of the break and direction of the break, whether it is operative or non-operative. The grade of disablement will be act uponing by the forbearance ‘s manus laterality and involved appendage. Restoring full scope of gesture and independency in day-to-day activities with strength will be the premier focal point of rehabilitation ( Hriticko, 1998 ) . To diminish the hurting and restore map is the primary end of rehabilitation. Ice therapy and cold battalions may be utile in cut downing the hurting. If the dominant pollex had been involved, particular attention would given to reconstruct the map of uninvolved fingers. After the remotion of plaster dramatis personae, the healer will get down scope of gesture exercising and strengthening exercising for the fractured pollex. A particular attending should give to intrinsic and extrinsic musculuss of manus ( Feehan, 2004 ) . Full scope of gesture should stress on the injured pollex. Progression in exercising should accomplish after the full map attained ( Krop, 2002 ) .REHABILITATION EXERCISE FOR THUMBThe recovery and possibilities of re-injury is depends upon the restitution and increasing original scope of gesture of the injured pollex articulation. In rugger and in other athleticss and many athleticss activities expose the pollex to injury. Re-injury is uncommon if one time the pollex was injured. This exercising is utile to forestall the hurts in both the pollex ( Sports scientific discipline orthopaedic clinic, 2009 ) . Thumb Extension This exercising would execute in sitting place on chair. The cubitus of the injured side placed over the thigh of the same side. Flex the cubitus at right-angled and fingers are extended. The index of opposite manus should hold on the injured pollex. Draw back the injured pollex gently. The motion would be in pain free scope, halt the motion if hurting exists. Maintain the stretch for 10 seconds and give remainder for 10 seconds. Repeat this exercising for five proceedingss, thrice a twenty-four hours. Notice the patterned advance in scope of motion in each twenty-four hours, the injured pollex draws back a spot farther ( Sports scientific discipline orthopedic clinic, 2009 ) . Thumb Flexion This exercising would execute in sitting place on chair. The cubitus of the injured side placed over the thigh of the same side. Flex the cubitus at right-angled and fingers are extended. Flex the injured pollex inward, touch the base of small finger of the same manus with the tip of the injured pollex. Make this activity in hurting free scope. Keep the place for 10 seconds and loosen up it for 5 seconds. Repeat this activity for 10 times for thrice a twenty-four hours. Progressions in the scope of motion would noticeable in each twenty-four hours. The pollex of injured pollex will touch the base of small finger of the same side ( Sports scientific discipline orthopaedic clinic, 2009 ) . Hand Grasp This exercising would execute in sitting place on chair. The cubitus of the injured side placed over the thigh of the same side. The cubitus is flexed right-angled hold oning ball in the manus. Keep the ball in thenar of the manus and attempt to squash it with the aid of pollex and fingers. Maintain the squeeze for 10 seconds and loosen up the pollex for 5 seconds. Repeat the sequence for 10 times, thrice a twenty-four hours ( Sports scientific discipline orthopaedic clinic, 2009 ) . Alternate Exercises When the rehabilitation exercisings are contraindicated n ague phase, this alternate exercisings may be used. This alternate exercisings, does non necessitate any motion in the injured pollex, which aggravates the hurting in the injured pollex. The alternate exercisings are swimming, jogging, stationary bike ( Sports scientific discipline orthopaedic clinic, 2009 ) .Prevention OF THUMB INJURIES IN RUGBYThumb hurts in rugger are hard to forestall due to the contact and aggressive manner of the athletics. Many hurts are acute and traumatic in nature. The lone manner to forestall thumb hurts by guaranting correct warm up, cool down, beef uping and flexibleness plans ( Sports hurt clinic, 2009 ) . Warm up exercisings Warm up plays a major function in the bar of hurts. Warm will besides assist in bettering the public presentation in the athleticss. The advantages of warming up are: Additions musculus temperature. Additions blood supply and O supply to the musculuss. Increases the scope of motions in the articulation of pollex, therefore cut down the hazard of musculus and ligament tear ( Sports hurt clinic, 2009 ) . Warm up should incorporate: There should be increase in pulse scope for 10 proceedingss to increase the blood and O supply to the musculuss. This can accomplish by making active and inactive motions of the pollex. The motions like flexure, extension and abduction, adduction and rotary motion of the pollex articulation have to execute. Proper stretching technique ensures increase in the scope of motion in the pollex articulation ( Sports hurt clinic, 2009 ) . Cool down exercisings Cool down is resting or puting down. It can assist in cut downing the hazard of hurt and increase the public presentation. The advantage of chilling down is: Decrease the bosom rate bit by bit. Restore the blood supply and O supply to the musculuss to the phase were in before exercising. Wash out the waste merchandises in the musculuss like lactic acid. Decrease in the hazard of musculus tenderness ( Sports hurt clinic, 2009 ) .. Sports massage Regular athleticss massage favours in washout the waste merchandises like lactic acid from musculuss and tight knots, balls in the musculuss can let go of. Hence, if untreated causes strain and tear to the musculuss of pollex ( Sports hurt clinic, 2009 ) ..Protective equipments A assortment of protective equipment and vesture are available specific to the athletics of rugger. Many companies are involved in the design and production of protective equipments. Even though there are many advantages of the equipment, contention still exits ( Gerrard, 1998 ) . Straping and taping Leuko strap- Strapping plays a major function in back uping the articulations during the unsmooth athleticss activities. It even provides compaction, support and rational control to stabilise the injured articulation and ligaments of pollex. It restricts the joint scope of gestures beyond its scope. In which, hurt would be prevented in thumb articulation ( Gerrard, 1998 ) . Long drama support- Wraps gives uninterrupted support to the joint through out the drama. It is made of elastic and cross nylon fibers. It gives excess strength and controlled compaction to the articulations ( Gerrard, 1998 ) . Advantages Protect the recent hurt. Braces can non model to suit a peculiar articulation than a tape is able to cover ( Gerrard, 1998 ) . Practical guidelines A trained individual should use taping Apply tape after the professional probe. Avoid tapping in hapless blood circulation. Check for allergic reactions in skin prior to tapping. Straping should execute in clean and dry country. Avoid strapping over unfastened lesion ( Gerrard, 1998 ) . Braces Long drama support braces- it keeps the pollex joint warm and keep proper circulation. It minimizes the opportunity of hurt and prevents supplanting of articulations. Support brace provides stableness to the pollex articulation. Advantages It is inexpensive and less clip devouring to use. Support the ligament and articulation of the pollex. Players feel comfy to have on ( Albright, et al,1995 ) .
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