Thursday, November 28, 2019
Gwen Harwood- Father and Child Essay Example
Gwen Harwood- Father and Child Essay Gwen Harwood- Father and Child The ability of a text to be universally accepted in a range of contexts ultimately determines its textual integrity and appreciation. Gwen Harwood’s work draws from the inspiration of her context, her lifelong influences, primarily music, her childhood and religious beliefs. This can be identified through study of Gwen Harwoods poem, Father and Child that is able to be appreciated in a multitude of different contexts due to its universality and textual integrity. Gwen Harwood’s coherent use of form and language to produce an integrated whole in terms of meaning and value affirm the textual integrity of her work â€Å"Father and Child†. The poem delicately integrates a host of re-iterated universal motifs to produce the poem as a collective whole and confirms Gwen Harwood’s ability to transcend time in her poetry so that it can be accepted in a great deal of contexts. Perhaps the pivotal idea presented in the poem is time. Harwood has clearly articulated the concern for time passing by, and the loss of innocence that comes as a child gains experience, also reflecting the trademark interwoven Romantic style of her poetry. The structure of the poem further delves into this idea of the concern for time. The two symmetrical linked poems place emphasis on how time has moved on and separate childhood from adulthood. The constant use of enjambments reflect the passing of time and the ambiguity of where time disappears to in our vast existence. We will write a custom essay sample on Gwen Harwood- Father and Child specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Gwen Harwood- Father and Child specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Gwen Harwood- Father and Child specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Harwood’s use of structure and language affirm her ability to transcend time throughout her work, further enhancing its capability to be accepted in different contexts and upholding its textual integrity. A prominent aspect of the poem is the amalgamation of religions and biblical allusions ranging through multiple belief systems. Harwood’s integrated insinuations â€Å"horny fiend†, â€Å"times long promised land†that relate both to the Christian and Jewish religions, present all responders the opportunity to find their own personal interpretation and acceptance in her work. It is through her constant allowance of subjective understanding such as the religious undertones that the capacity of Gwen Harwood’s work continues to be appreciated in different contexts. This notion is additionally developed through the profundity of the inter-textual relationship of Shakespeare’s ‘King Lear’. There is a lateral connection between Harwoods Father and Child, and William Shakespeares King Lear that can be appreciated through the inclusion of direct quotes such as â€Å"be your tears wet†. The ambiguity of the gender of the child is another important aspect of Harwood’s work that is linked to King Lear. It is through the extended allusions that the responder can fully understand the connection of the poem to the play and the link between the father/daughter relationship in both compositions. Through this integration it is evident that Harwood’s work can be appreciated in a multitude of contexts through its unified whole that maintains its textual integrity. Harwood develops a distinct motif of eyes and blindness echoed repeatedly through the story told in the poem. The repetition of the imagery of eyes is used to emphasise the importance of sight that becomes significant as the owl is unable to see in the day time. â€Å"Those eyes that did not see mirror my cruelty†. This powerful imagery used by Harwood exemplify how the child can see herself reflected in the dying eyes of the owl and expresses how the poem reveals the magic and consequences of childish acts and how experiences and discoveries during childhood delicately reshape the mind and character of a person, which can be noted through the change in Nightfall. The reflection she is mirrored by articulates her loss of innocence occasioned through this experience. The universal notion in the poem and a trait of Harwood’s work is the inclusion of music and musical allusions. Through music Harwood finds herself able to express what she cannot through plain words. The reference to a violin in the poem â€Å"you speak as if air touched a string near breaking point†is important in creating the idea of a dichotomous relationship between individuals, specifically herself and music. Harwood once again has successfully unified a universal motif to make her work able to be accepted in different contexts with different responders. As the character comes to accept the passing of time and how it in inevitable despite the authors ability to transcend it, the responder comes to understand the true delicacy of the story, how Harwood comes to terms with not only the passing of time but of her father and how he cannot make things right for her as he use to when she was a child. It is through this realisation that we can truly understand the essence of Harwood’s work and become aware how the textual integrity of her poetry remains definitive through time. The universal motifs mentioned above create a sense of ubiquity that provides the responder the opportunity to find an acceptable interpretation of her work
Sunday, November 24, 2019
The changing role of social institutions
The changing role of social institutions Introduction Human beings are social beings; hence the reason they find themselves involved in social institutions in the society. Civil society arises from this set up of social institutions. By definition, civil society is a social realm that consists of actual institutions with moral substance and functions. Above all, civil society denotes that sector of the society that nonpolitical institutions operate.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The changing role of social institutions specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These social institutions include family, churches, schools, community groups, neighborhoods, and any other form of voluntary association imaginable. The civil society arose due to the spontaneous aspiration and desires of the free people. They take part as people desire to join voluntarily, to serve larger social purposes. Social institutions promote the social society through performing various functions ( Eberly, 2000). How social institutions help to promote civil society To start with, social institutions form part of the civil society and through this, the essential habits of collaboration of ways define trust. Further, the freedom held by these institutions gives each and every one of them a right and a chance to define the habits that they would like be incorporated in, in the civil society. In addition, the desire to achieve a common purpose and meet the needs of individuals helps to have an association needed in the civil association. Social institutions such as churches teach good morals. Having these social bonds does not only generate virtues like trust, self-sacrifice and submission to the authority, but also helps to shape communities have a capacity to share virtuous characters. The above-mentioned virtues are developed through having these institutions by having citizens who develop moral obligations to each other (Eberly, 2000). Social institutions build the morals of individuals who later take in the civil society. They do this by binding people; not to law but to other people. Social organizations help people avoid having private interest, but also develop interest of the other people around them, which shapes the life of civil society. By building social ties and a sense of mutual obligation of weaving together isolated individuals into the fabric of a larger group, socials institutions ensure that there is the development of a body that has an interest of the community at heart (Foley, 2003). Individualism is fought against in the social institutions, and association for serving the larger society is encouraged. The principle of democracy is formed from these bases, as each person is treated as equal to the other. Civil societies usually have a public philosophy that emphasizes on the need to elevate the common good over private interest, renewing social values over the institutions, encouraging wider civil participation, and encouraging citi zen involvement in community problem-solving (Foley, 2003).Advertising Looking for essay on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The impact of modern social networks in replacing the traditional forms of social institutions and the related associations The development of modern social networks such as blogs, Facebook, twitters and email and replacing the social institutions has enhanced the values of people globally. Geographical boundaries have been overcome through the development of the new technologies, which previously were done through physical meeting. For example, making friends has been greatly substituted by the new inventions. Ultimately, family ties have been weakened as people spend most of their time chatting with online friends, in expense of taking the time with their families. Education has been changed in that students do not have to attend classes as they can get the information n eeded online. Subsequently, exams are also been done online, hence the relationship between the young children which is well developed in schools, is reduced. In the case of children, they do not get to grow together and at some point, they are socially inactive because of spending most of their time engaging with friends they get online. The neighborhood has also adversely changed the interaction between the children and the other children have decreased. The fact they don’t find time to associate with the other children in the neighborhood has made them to be socially handicapped occasionally, many neighborhoods used to have welcoming parties for the new people in the neighborhood. The same used to apply in case there were holidays where these neighbor hoods would organize parties or reunion so as to orient each other: this tread is on the decline as the method of association has changed and with time the neighborhood traditions’ may decrease or even become extinct. The scope of sharing information has been changed from being local to international, and be communicated at a faster rate. Introduction of blogs or twitter has made sure that many people can access certain information in great numbers at a faster rate. People are able to get information even from far places they may not be able to go physically. Moreover, research in different areas in learning institutions has become more easy. Submission of the research and the results can also posted online; hence the need to travel to do the research is avoided, which in turn reduces the cost needed. The presence of the option of having the information online has transformed the schooling set up to being optional for a student to study online, with no need of attending classes (Henderson, 2009).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The changing role of social institutions specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On the other hand, community groups have been promoted to be more diverse, as many people of different communities can join them. Modern networks can be given credit to these changes because they offer a chance of forming an online group and enrolling to join these groups. Using the high-volume blogs, the movements have been more radical in spreading their ideologies than in the traditional times. They go on to get much attention due to the presence of the network all over the world (Henderson, 2009). The culture of people has changed and is being replaced by sub cultures such as Cyber punk and test speaks. The new cultures have their bases set by the various provisions given in the Internet, which are integrations of various cultures. The culture, initially instilled by the family and society is largely dependent on the behaviors of the famous in the worldwide society, for example, celebrities such as actors, singers to mention but a few. Sometimes, it is not the right way to go since some of the famous people involve themselves with activities considered bad behaviors in their cultures. For instance, the issue of being gay was not welcome among many societies in the past. The family has suffered greatly due to the new developments. The parent’s obligation of teaching their children various things has been replaced by the presence of much information in the social networks. The set-up has changed, and children are more aware of their rights. The family formation has also changed, and there are more divorces, and part of the reasons they are happening is because of the some of the spouses met online, and probably did not get to know each other well. The issue of early pregnancy is also an indication of the deteriorating family values. Young teenagers are more likely to get sexual partners, and because of the decline in the family values, they get to a step of doing it. An institution like the church has suffered both positively and negatively. Positively, religion is in such a way that it can be spread to more people at a given time, but also negatively because there has been numerous group that have risen to criticize the churches through anti religion campaigns. Areas where certain religions had not reached have a chance of getting to them due to online social networks. Generally, religion is losing its popularity and many people are turning to different activities, even on days considered holy days. However, the impact of the social networks has not only been negative, as there is also the positive side of it. The rights of the people in the society have greatly been enhanced due to the ability to pressure political leaders through the social networks. A good example is the recent demonstration against president Mubarak of Egypt. Through these social networks, the demonstrators were able to fight any incidences of humiliation from the government forces that were opposed to the move. However, the social network sites also pose a problem as leaders can use t hem to fracture resisting groups. In a greater scale, this may be viewed as factionalization (Foley, 2003)Advertising Looking for essay on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The changing face and redefining of these social institutions Social institutions have undergone several changes that have changed the way they look, and how they are being defined. Due to the impact of social networks, they have gone through a transformation that has a good and a bad side. To start with, there is no limit geographically as to how much one can relate with other people; people from all regions and walks of life have a chance to participate actively in the modern-day activities, which is far much better as the traditional set up only involved a smaller group of people. The definition of the virtues has been left to the global community, changing the previous responsibility of the social institutions to define them and incorporating other cultures. The changes will ensure that diversity will be more upheld within these institutions as many of their values will need to incorporate views of many different people. How social institutions might change in future The institu tions are likely to change to a state that they will not be much of an influence to the people. Transpired by the fact that people’s way of life is changing dramatically, they will tend to demand less since they will not have the great control of the people’s minds like the past. There is also the risk that more people have a tendency to value social institutions lesser and lesser, and it may get to a point that they become extinct or less influential to the people. It may also be possible that there will not be much of a change in the social institutions as some people will tend to cling on the past as they view the past being more fun than the present day, as well as being more enjoyable as one is relating with real people rather than a computer. The importance of the social institutions towards the people might also change to a state that even the children who are born nowadays do not get to know even there extended families. Churches on the other hand, may transfor m to be achieves and it is evident in some countries that they are now becoming clubs as lesser and lesser people show up to attend them. Associations and reunions of these institutions may also turn out to a lower lever such that the coming generations may no have no idea they even existed and individualism be the order of the day. Technology might also build social institutions that people meet online and with time a tradition of the same might come up. Conclusion New developments and technologies are good since they make life more fun. However the society should not forget the past and the benefits accrued through having it. New social networks can be considered as necessary social evils because, however much they are destroying our social institutions in a big scale, they are also providing us other benefits that we cannot live without, once they are introduced to us. A good example is the education that children are learning; it is more explosive and with more content, which is opening up their mind to a greater knowledge of the world around them. We cannot also forget the fact that the world has been unified to one global village where people are sharing and receiving information in a matter of a short time. On the other hand, social institutions that have been in existence are the source of our identity, and people should strive to have a healthy relationship with their families, as well as the community. It is, therefore, our responsibility to strike a balance where we have balance relations in the social relations as well as healthy social institutions. List of References Eberly, D. E. (2000). The essential civil society reader: classic essays in the American civil society debate. Mary Land: Rowman Littlefield. Foley, W. M, Hodgkinson V. A. (2003). The civil society reader. Lafayette: University press of New England. Henderson, P. (2009). Supervisor Training: Issues and Approaches. London: Karnac Books.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
TLC and WLC Estimation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
TLC and WLC Estimation - Research Paper Example The paper discusses the reason as to why LLC method is not included as an estimation method in the evaluation process. The paper will conclude with a summary of all the major points discussed in the paper. Total Life Cost Total Life Cycle Cost pays attention to all the costs that are incurred during the whole entire life of either a product or a service. This will include all the expenses of the product since the inception of the idea, research, and development of the product, distribution and marketing expenses f the particular product. In this case, Butler has to consider all the expenses and costs which will be incurred as a result of outsourcing the products due to the increase in demand. He needs to have done all the calculations and determine whether he option of outsourcing will be the better option and hence worth investing in (Stuart2007) . The head of the supply chain management in the company should calculate all the costs involved in the manufacturing of a single unit f t he product and present the results together with the proposal to the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). Whole Life Cost Whole life cost is one method of estimation that evaluates or compares building materials and building components by focusing at the lifespan f the firm, maintenance and running costs and the installation costs of the firm. The supply chain manager of Blue Jay has to take consideration of whole life Cost before submitting his proposal to the Senior Leadership Team (Abdelhalim 2007). Life Cycle Costing (LCC) In this type of estimation method, there is consideration of acquisition, operating and the disposal costs in all instances where there is evaluation of various alternatives. The supply chain manager of the company (Butler) should not consider LCC method since they have already established the firm and there is no need of establishing another firm. The LCC would only add to the costs of outsourcing and yet they not at all necessary ( Dhillon 1989). There no costs in the operating of the new firm since the operating costs under Life Cycle Costing are incurred during the actual establishment of the firm. Butler should understand that he is not to establish another firm but seek outsourcing services from another firm. The other reason as to why the LCC method of estimation is not included in the calculation is because the costs are included in Total Life costs and there is no need of repeating since they will only add on the costs of outsourcing. Calculations There is a major difference between total life cost and whole life cost whereby the Whole life cost includes all the contents of total life cost and the entire infrastructure which would support the firm, which would include the management of the firm, training and support. The two types of estimation methods are best completed and assessed by cross functional teams from both within and outside the company under consideration so that all aspects of the firm, industry or the business can be ta ken into consideration. Therefore it is necessary for the supply chain manager of the Blue Jay Manufacturing Company to constitute a committee or a team comprising members from both the company and the outsourcing firm so that they can form a cross functional team. The cross functional team would ensure that all the calculations are correct and all the costs are put into consideration so that the best decision can be made. Total Life Cost Cost Amount in $ Acquisition Costs Cost of Due
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
2 Abstracts + behavior modification project Assignment
2 Abstracts + behavior modification project - Assignment Example Logistic regression was used to analyze the data. According to the results of the study, the occurrence of COPD in the age-adjusted sample population was 5.4%. Almost half of the individuals with COPD indicated fair/poor health compared with 15% of individuals without the disease. Furthermore, the occurrence of ≠¥14 unhealthy days over the past one month and fair/poor health state was higher for individuals with the diseases in contrast to those individuals who did not have the disease, that is 45% and 17% respectively. Individuals with COPD accounted for double the amount of unhealthy 24-hours in contrast to those without the disease. Individuals with COPD were expected to have lower intensity of HRQOL for each of the four unhealthy day determinants in contrast to individuals who do not have COPD. The results of the study revealed that there was a negative relationship between HRQOL and COPD as higher levels of COPD resulted in lower intensity of HRQOL. The reason behind this w as that appropriate looking after of COPD necessitates individuals to make significant lifestyle adjustments. These alterations entail both physical and behavioral changes that might result in psychological dysfunction. Thus, the study offered guidance for individuals to manage their disease and a framework for future policy decision making regarding people having such diseases. Miotto, De Coppi, Fre zza, Petretto, Masala, Preti, (2003) investigated the association between the tendency to be aggressive and eating disorder among school-aged adolescents. The aim of study was to prove the hypothesis of a positive connection between eating disorders and aggressiveness. The sample consisted of 1000 adolescents with ages ranging from 15 to 19 years. The instruments used to measure eating disorders among adolescents were Bulimic Investigatory Test of Edinburgh (BITE), Eating Attitude Test (EAT) and the Body
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Summary of article on human intelligence or memory Essay
Summary of article on human intelligence or memory - Essay Example How alcohol affects the brain and the impact of heavy drinking on the brain and memory has always been a topic of research. Well, there are several factors that determine the severity of the affect of alcohol on the brain. Some of the factors include the quantity of alcohol being consumed by a person, age, gender and his or her general health status. Alcohol consumption can have noticeable impairments in memory only after a few drinks. And as the amount of alcohol consumption increases, the degree of impairment also increases accordingly. If one consumes alcohol regularly in an empty stomach, it can create a blackout and the drunken person fail to recall the events, if any. Blackouts have been found to be a common symptom among social drinkers regardless of age, and sex. A survey conducted on college undergraduates revealed that 51 percent experienced blackouts in some point in their lives while 40 percent experienced blackout one year before the survey ("Alcohol’s damaging effects," 2004). Many students however, reported that they could not even remember events such as vandalism, driving and unprotected sex. Both men and women experience black outs. A new research study reveals that regardless the amount of alcohol consumed, women’s tendency to black outs is more than males. And the result also shows that there is a significant difference in alcohol metabolism in males and females. In addition, the result shows that females may be more susceptible to alcohol than males. Does the above outcome show that women are more vulnerable to alcohol’s effects on the brain? Well, many studies reveal that women are more vulnerable than men. Alcoholic women develop various problems including cirrhosis, heart muscle damage and nerve damage. However, studies regarding the sensitivity to alcohol-induced brain damage in men and women have not been as convincing yet. However, brain shrinkage
Friday, November 15, 2019
EBay Marketing Case Study
EBay Marketing Case Study Teresa A. Cochran EBay has established itself as one of the largest and most popular online trading sites on the internet. Developed in 1995 by computer programmer, Pierre Omidyar, eBay has grown tremendously, creating what may have described as the perfect market. EBay not only pioneered emerging technology but revolutionized a new business model with person to person online sales without interference of outside regulation. The online auction industry itself has grown tremendously since the 1990s, with thousands of Americans supporting themselves solely by selling merchandise online as one of the original internet trading platforms. EBay gained notoriety by having reasonable prices and for having hard to find items. It allows sales both locally and on an international level, with a diverse and energetic group of members and independent companies. Today, eBay connects a global community of buyers and sellers via an exceptional platform that connects people who, otherwise would not be connected (Kotler Keller, 2012). By creating a business model that relied on connections, the eBay platform offers millions of unique items for sale or trade each day. EBays growth and momentum has continued as individuals and small businesses discovered that eBay was an efficient way to reach new customers and other businesses (Kotler Keller, 2012). EBay offers many different products in a large number of categories ranging from clothing to cars, and the bidding format puts the consumer in charge of the trade. But why has eBay grown into a billion-dollar global enterprise while other similar sites have failed? Since its inception, eBay is one been of the pioneers in internet e-commerce and has been successful in creating an online community of buyers and sellers of practically anything imaginable. This case study will analyze several factors in the development and ultimate success in addition to mechanisms by which eBay interacts with the market. An analysis into these strategies reveal that the growth of eBays online auction platform can be attributed to growth in the e-commerce market, an innovative approach to social interactions, emerging market trends, strong sense of community, and the core values of the organization have all contributed to the success of the company. EBays positioning statement is The worlds Online Marketplace, which is significant for the companys view of its identity. The core values at eBay were to develop a culture of trust and fun. Among the factors that have been credited for eBays success have ranged from the use of website to increased customer feedback, buyer protection, range of items, competitive prices and also the ability to reach a global market. EBays successful evolution has been based on their ability to reduce risk to the buyer, minimize disinformation, and enforcing rights to property. By developing relationships between buyers and sellers in a trade many of the issues around mistrust, uncertainty, and cooperation are resolved and seek to guarantee both parties a successful exchange. This exchange satisfies both by parties by allowing the buyer to control the maximum price they are willing to pay and the seller can benefit from increased profit margin and the efficiencies gained by utilizing an online platform. Buyers can view items by seller, location, condition or time remaining in the auction. As evidenced by the number of site visits per day, eBay appears to be an efficient way for individuals and more recently businesses to sell merchandise (Kotler Keller, 2012). The organization also regulates transactions its seller profile and feedback forums. This form of rating and comment is linked to the sellers performance. Feedback has been attributed as a major important factor for achievement of success. The members of the eBay community have the ability to leave feedback or rate items bought on eBay This type of feedback encourages both buyers and sellers to feel like and integral part of the organization. EBays online personal trading community relies on the mutual trust and respect. This creates a connection between both parties; therefore there is a mutual dependency in all transactions that underpins the culture of the eBay community. Business relationships between buyers and sellers are pivotal in the maintenance of the business structure. These relationships involve issues regarding compliance with formal or informal regulations. As previously noted, the business model utilized by eBay is one that is based on mutual trust. The company offers users buyer protection on purchases made via PayPal. Therefore, by members use of the PayPal payment system, each member can be confident that their transaction is protected against deceit or being duped in any fashion. Evaluation of eBay fee schedule EBays business process creates a business model, which does not require the carrying of inventory, but rather has its share of the profit margin from every transaction that it does (Mishra, 2010). This type of fee structure in most commonly referred to as second degree price discrimination. This practice refers to the charging of an insertion fee for each item listed and is designed to attract vendors with higher sales volumes. In addition to the listing fee, the vendors are charged a percentage based on the final dollar amount of the auction or buy it now listing. EBay also caters to buyers who purchase goods in higher volumes. This strategy attracts a small business owner who would like to purchase merchandise in bulk but does not have the resources to buy from larger wholesale distributes. The discussion of whether or not the fee schedule is optimal depends on the vendors status in the marketplace. In response to feedback from sellers, EBay has made significant revisions to the fee schedule in response to increased competition in ecommerce. EBay has launched a new fee structure and incentives for sellers in an effort to remain the most competitive commerce platform (Rao, 2013). The simplification of the pricing structure allows vendors to list items for free therefore both individuals and eBay store owners can increase their profit margin. The listing fees for the occasional seller are very different from those of power seller in that there is a difference in the number of free listings. Small volume sellers can list up to fifty listings monthly while power sellers can list up to twenty five hundred. This fee structure is optimal for smaller volume sellers. These changes in the fee structure will benefit larger power sellers by discounting fees charged to maintain thei r online store. In the older fee structure, there were no free listings for stores (Rao, 2013). Other revisions to the fee schedule include basing the final value fee on the items price at the completion of the transaction. As with any other business traditional or ecommerce, an evaluation and adjustment must be done routinely to their pricing structure to ensure that it is beneficial to both the vendor and the buyer. EBay must continue to evolve to remain competitive in a very diverse segment of the consumers who will be participating in the online marketplace via new outlets such as Facebook Marketplace. This fee structure is been made more optimal for buyers and sellers but will be a vulnerability as more consumers utilize platforms that do not charge a transaction fee such as Facebook and Craigslist. Whats next for eBay? Online auctions have become an increasingly popular and efficient ecommerce method of facilitating the participation of Internet users in trading activities through flexible pricing processes, convenient access and the availability of a large variety of products (Cui, Lai, Liu, 2008). The advancement of eBay commercial center has developed into a worldwide commercial center since its dispatch in 1995. Current market patterns demonstrate that far from the underlying concentration of individual to individual deals so as to be more aggressive with other online retailers. A significant number of the efficiencies that added to the underlying development of eBay, access to data, diminishing geographic impediments to online business are the consequence of the development of the web. EBay is currently still growing as an online auction marketplace, with operations in the United States, Europe, African and even Asian countries. There is such an enormous interest for web based business in this quickly creating world. eBay has a great deal of preferences if the drive proceeds with, this movement could quicken given eBays emphasis on online installment frameworks, for example, PayPal, the ascent of web-based social networking and its consideration on creating markets. This will help them to maximize their chances to market and make other investments that will enhance the marketplace and help the sellers grow their businesses (Kotler Keller, 2012). When completing an evaluation for whats next for eBay, innovation and continued expansion into undeveloped markets must consider. Demand for products to be available online is growing at a rapid pace. Another aspect central to continue success is to evaluate the technology utilized and focus on innovation in order to remain competitive in the fast paced online auction market. EBay sales dipped when GOOGLE changed its algorithm and eBay was no longer on the top of the search results when people were shopping online (Rao, 2015). With web based business growing rapidly, eBay can utilize online networking as a platform to increase sales. Social media sites like Facebook Twitter and Instagram can be utilized as promoting diverts to attract more clients for eBay. Auctions can also be cross-promoted on local sites such as Craigslist. Web-based social networking enables online shoppers to support the development of an online business. EBay could build its customer base by addition and expansion current of partnerships and investments around the globe as well as focus on the maintenance of current connections between the buyers and sellers. Additionally, eBay must focus on maintaining a fee structure that is optimal for all parties, buyers, and sellers. Fees should be as low as possible to the vendors in order to reduce the final price to the buyer. The company should improve technology as one of the key components of the existing business model, making it easier to think of new way to do development of alternative ways to reconfigure existing resources (Kimble Bourdon, 2013). In conclusion, with the high number of goods and services that can be exchanged without geographical constraints, eBay is well positioned to maintain is growth rate and achieve even greater sales volume. References Cui, X., Lai, V. S., Liu, C. K. (2008). Research on Consumer Behaviour in Online Auctions: Insights from a Critical Literature Review. Electronic Markets, 18(4). Kimble, C., Bourdon, I. (2013). The link among information technology, business models, and strategic breakthroughs: examples from amazon, dell, and eBay. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 33(1), 58-68. Kotler, P., Keller, K. L. (2012). Marketing management (14th ed.). Retrieved from Mishra, M. K. (2010, December). Why is eBay the Most Successful Online Auction? Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 10(9), 62-65. Classification (FOR) 350213 Rao, L. (2013, March 19, 2013). To Compete With Amazon, eBay Debuts Free Listings And Simpler Fee Structures For Sellers [Blog post]. Retrieved from Rao, L. (2015, July 20, 2015). For eBay, a new chapter begins. Fortune Tech. Retrieved from
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Poetry vs. Prose in Shakespeares Hamlet Essay -- Shakespeare Hamlet
Poetry vs. Prose in Shakespeare's Hamlet In any discussion of poetry vs. prose worth it's stanzas, questions regarding such tools as meter, rhyme, and format must come into play. These are, after all, the most obvious distinguishing features of poetry, and they must certainly be key in determining the definition, and in fact nature, of poetry. Yet a term as broad as "poetry" is not so easily quantified as to simply attribute physical characteristics to it and let all writing either fall into or out of that category. Poetry is determined by the effect upon the reader. It is an individual opinion, and thus defined by the collected (individual) reactions. Queen. There is a willow grows askaunt the brook, That shows his hoary leaves on the glassy stream, Therewith fantastic garlands did she make Of crow-flowers, nettles, daisies, and long purples That liberal shepherds give a grosser name, But our cull-cold maids do dead men's fingers call them. There on the pendant boughs her crownet weeds Clamb'ring to hand, an envious sliver broke, When down her weedy trophies and herself Fell in the weeping brook. Her clothes spread wide, And mermaid-like awhile they bore her up, Which time she chaunted snatches of old lauds, As one incapable of her own distress, Or like a creature native and indued Unto that element. But long it could not be Till that her garments heavy with their drink, Pull'd the poor wretch from her melodious lay To muddy death. -Shakespeare's Hamlet, Act IV Scene VII Take, for example, the above text from Hamlet. One of the more stirring monologues of the play, it describes the death of Ophelia in specific, touching terms. Think of the audience re... ...cess. One can only hope that it is better than, "You know, to muddy death." Poetry is the feeling that comes when a person sees something that strikes a chord in their chest which reverberates in the rhythm struck. How often have you heard something other than line poetry described passionately as "poetic"? It is a common word because it is descriptive of that wonder we have when we read truly good verse. It is a common word because after we feel it once (in that poetry), we know it again in other forms. Not all of those forms rhyme. The poetry is not the line placement, it is what the line placement helps express. It is simply a more effective (and more technically difficult) thing to accomplish when placed in meter. Poetry is that song that finds its way from within when we see it in some form before us, regardless of line or verse.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
An oral history of the zombie war Essay
Though perhaps not as â€Å"academic†as the other sources in this bibliography, the oral history of the zombie war is an important side note to the whole genre. In Brooks’ book, there are several moments, while recounting the battles with the zombies, where they are told from the point of view of the liberators. In fact, in his story, he coins the phrase â€Å"LAMOE†which stands â€Å"Last men on earth†. These individuals, much like the character played by Will Smith, had been left behind, the infected zones to fend for themselves. Often, as the story is told, these people left behind, were not all too happy to be â€Å"liberated†, as they had conditioned themselves to the isolation of being, and believing they were the last â€Å"people†on earth. In this sense, the film version and incidentally the book, deal with these concepts from the point of view of the isolated; but, what if they were to be told from the point of view of the liberators? Campbell, Joseph. â€Å"The Hero with a Thousand Faces†Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1949. Joseph Campbell’s book, is an overview of legends and the masks our heroes wear. Both in the film version and the book version of I Am Legend, the Robert Neville character must go through various trials; which, ultimately in the film version, leads to his transformation from this plane of existence to another. (Mainly, by dying) The first trial, is simple isolation, which Campbell explicitly describes as one of the most common trails of mythology. Additionally, in the film, the main character exhibits a certain arrogance, which ultimately turns around on him. I. E the way he had caught the other zombie, the trick sort to speak, was used against him later in the movie. Giglioli, Palo Pier. Language and Social Context. New York: Penguin. 1972. It should be of note: the original book written by Matheson, had a lead character who was white; whereas the film version cast the lead character as black. Setting aside the box-office appeal of Will Smith for a moment, what were some of the other reasons for the change of race? Could the film be taken as an commentary of the plight of successful African-Americans, being isolated, though working desperately to help their friends, family and peer group? If the film is viewed in this light, one could most accurately argue that it is in fact a commentary on racial issues within a particular racial group. Hellekson, Karen Ph. D. The alternate history (Refiguring Historical Time). Kent: Kent State University Press, 2001. Through out her review of the alternate history genera of story telling, Karen Hellekson, makes not of the function of the story being told. If one were to apply her same method of criticism to the movie version of I AM Legend, we would find that it too is an alternate history. Obviously, fictions, the film I Am Legend, begins with the initial out-break, due to the cancer fighting drug. Although, this is told in a â€Å"present†narrative, the inclusion, of these scenes are to create an artificial history in the story’s time line. Matheson, Richard. â€Å"I AM LEGEND†London: Orion Books, 1954. Naturally, the movie version starring Will Smith is radically divergent from the original book published in 1954. An example of one such divergence, is in the role of the main character. In the original works, the main character, was a former Marine, whereas in the film version, he is a current Marine working with the CDC. Another divergence, which actually changes the nature of the title, is found at the ending of both the book and the film. In the film version, the main character becomes legendary, due to how he dies; whereas the book version, Robert Neville, is legendary due to him being the last non-infected â€Å"human†or in essence the last man on earth. Twain, Mark. â€Å"On the Damned Human Race†A collection of Essays Edited by Janet Smith. 1962. An argument could be made that both the film and the original fiction, had been a commentary on the human condition, the human race. Twin’s wit and insight into the social conditions apply aptly to both the film version and the book. The fact Robert Neville takes it upon himself to â€Å"cure†the world is manifestly anti-twian-ian. â€Å"it is the ghost, of fool-hardy chivalry†as Twain would say, about the lengths the character goes to rid the world of something, that it seems more than happy to live with.
Friday, November 8, 2019
How to Write a College Essay on Yourself
How to Write a College Essay on Yourself How to Write a College Essay on Yourself Writing a college essay on yourself is the equivalent of writing a personal statement. You write a personal statement for different purposes, such as when you are making an application for a scholarship, internship, or employment. This means that you have to evaluate the context within which you are writing your college essay. As a college student, you have a lot of pertinent information about yourself that you can include in your college essay. Nonetheless, an excessively wordy essay bores the reader. You do not want the reader to push your essay aside on grounds of it being unnecessarily lengthy. This is why you should adequately understand the context of your essay, and limit the scope to suit the objective. That said, writing a college essay on yourself must begin by an identification of your personal career objective. More often than not, many college students do not identify a succinct career objective until they are in their final academic year. This is all right, provided you can draft an objective as and when required. A viable recommendation to follow when writing a college essay on yourself is to be acquainted with the objective of the organization or group to which you are writing the essay. To the greatest extent possible, you should align your personal objective with the mission of your potential employer or sponsor. However, this must not be a cut-and-paste job, in which you copy mission statement. The objecti ve should come first in your essay, and should be highlighted either in bold or in block letters. After stating the objective, you should furnish the reader with an accurate background of your education. This should begin with the most recent educational achievement. If you are still in college, you should indicate that you are currently in a certain academic year, pursuing a given course in a certain institution. Remember to state the year you joined college. After this, you should indicate any short courses you pursued after completing high school. The next thing to do when writing a college essay on yourself is to list any extracurricular activities that you engage in, or have engaged in in the past. Try as much as possible to resist the temptation of including activities that are of little substance to your potential sponsor or employer. A useful tip to ensure this is to concentrate more on activities that benefit the community and help in skill-acquisition and building. If you regularly take part in voluntary activities, the better for you because chances of your essay being considered a winning one are increased. Additionally, present a short list of between three and five hobbies that do not portray you as a person who loves so much fun. It is not bad to have fun, but remember you need to impress the reader that you are a focused person. As a word of caution, keep your personal essay as truthful as possible. Your professor knows a lot about you, so avoid lying. Are you looking for the best place to buy a college essay online? Why not to try !?
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Sexual Dysfunction In Males
Sexual Dysfunction in Males and Therapy Available Sexual Dysfunctions such as premature ejaculation in men and Inability to have orgasms in women have been the cause of a great deal of mental anguish, not to mention marital friction. Most Americans either have a sexual dysfunction or are affected by one in their partner. However, thanks to the likes of Masters and Johnson who have written several publications to help us understand the causes of sexual dysfunction and the rapid treatment therapy for such disorders, several options are now available to help with this problem. A sexual dysfunction is any one of various disturbances or impairments of sexual functioning (Carey, M. P., Wincze, J.P., 2001). Although this definition may seem fairly simple, in practice it can be very difficult to determine exactly when something is a sexual dysfunction. No one knows the exact number of people with sexual dysfunctions, what is known though, is the number of people who actually go out and seek some kind of treatment for the problem, and these are fewer than those of people who have a dysfunction but suffer quietly and never seek therapy because of ignorance or embarrassment. In this paper I am going to discuss the various kinds of sexual dysfunctions found in men: erectile dysfunction (impotence), premature ejaculation and inhibited ejaculation their causes and also the various treatment methods available for such disorders. In 1992, the National Institutes of Health defined erectile dysfunction as the inability to attain or sustain an erection adequate for satisfactory sexual intercourse. "Erectile Dysfunction" is more precise than impotence, a term that some associate with being sterile or lacking strength, vigor, or power. The condition is called primary sexual dysfunction if a man has never in his life achieved or maintained an erection for coitus. If a man has previously had at least one successful coitus and then... Free Essays on Sexual Dysfunction In Males Free Essays on Sexual Dysfunction In Males Sexual Dysfunction in Males and Therapy Available Sexual Dysfunctions such as premature ejaculation in men and Inability to have orgasms in women have been the cause of a great deal of mental anguish, not to mention marital friction. Most Americans either have a sexual dysfunction or are affected by one in their partner. However, thanks to the likes of Masters and Johnson who have written several publications to help us understand the causes of sexual dysfunction and the rapid treatment therapy for such disorders, several options are now available to help with this problem. A sexual dysfunction is any one of various disturbances or impairments of sexual functioning (Carey, M. P., Wincze, J.P., 2001). Although this definition may seem fairly simple, in practice it can be very difficult to determine exactly when something is a sexual dysfunction. No one knows the exact number of people with sexual dysfunctions, what is known though, is the number of people who actually go out and seek some kind of treatment for the problem, and these are fewer than those of people who have a dysfunction but suffer quietly and never seek therapy because of ignorance or embarrassment. In this paper I am going to discuss the various kinds of sexual dysfunctions found in men: erectile dysfunction (impotence), premature ejaculation and inhibited ejaculation their causes and also the various treatment methods available for such disorders. In 1992, the National Institutes of Health defined erectile dysfunction as the inability to attain or sustain an erection adequate for satisfactory sexual intercourse. "Erectile Dysfunction" is more precise than impotence, a term that some associate with being sterile or lacking strength, vigor, or power. The condition is called primary sexual dysfunction if a man has never in his life achieved or maintained an erection for coitus. If a man has previously had at least one successful coitus and then...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Political Economy (Canada and the Global Political Economy) Essay - 4
Political Economy (Canada and the Global Political Economy) - Essay Example evident that, had those lessons been adopted most of the negative effects of the Global financial crisis of 2007 and 2008 would have been avoided (Norton, 2010). The Bretton woods system set out in the 1940s was synonymous with fixed exchange rates. As time passed and growth was evident in many parts of the world, the system changed with market forces. The Bretton woods system encouraged growth in many countries of the world which and that encouraged expansions. On the same note, apart from Japan all other industrialized countries had a managed inflation rate, lower interest rates and improved per capita income, few years after setting up of the Bretton institutions (Norton, 2010). While addressing whether lesson learnt from Bretton Woods systems would have worked for the global crisis, it is important to note that crises are usually worsened by â€Å"contagion effect†. The down fall of the Lehman Brothers had a spiral effect. The most significant pointer to the collapse of the world economy during the global crisis of 2007/2008 was lapse in regulation. Most central banks were blamed for inapt leadership by failure to regulate despite the imminent economic imbalance. For example, the regulators failed in their role by allowing Lehman Brothers to go bankrupt. Due to that bankruptcy, many other lending institutions panicked and refused to lend and that encouraged contagion that helped to spread the crisis further (Chornyy, 2011). Like the 2007/2008 global crisis, the Bretton woods system had challenges but the difference is evident in the manner in which the challenges were handled. For example, the Bretton woods system faced liquidity problems since the dollar was the fulcrum of the entire system and the USA which was biggest player in that regard had challenges. The Bretton system also faced a problem of adjustment. This was because most of the member countries took a considerable length of time to pay their debts. The most significant contributor to the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Decoding Apples Balance Sheet Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Decoding Apples Balance Sheet - Research Paper Example Investment activities are undertaken by individuals, firms, firms and corporates with an objective of improving their welfare. Individuals specifically rely on financial reports to make their investment decisions. Investing in Apple does not entail any difference in the same line. The trend in Apple’s asset growth makes it a good investment. Apple’s total assets on March 28, 2009 stood at $43,237 (Apple Press, 2009). This followed an increase from the previous March 27, 2008 report that recorded total assets of $39,572. Current assets over the same period recorded a significant increase, meaning that the business portfolio of the company experienced significant growth over that period. The company’s liabilities pinpoint to the obligations to other parties that must be met when they fall due. Liabilities are part and parcel of business operations, resulting from the various activities that the company engages in. however, the company’s liabilities are critical to consider in making investment decisions. Apple’s current liabilities stood at $13,751 in March 28, 2009 and $14,092 in March 27, 2008 (Apple Press, 2009). Current liabilities for the company declined over the 2008/2009 period. On the same note, total liabilities account for all-round Apple’s operations. Over the same period, total liabilities increased by a small margin. Even with the small increase in total liabilities, the company is in a better position to account for them given its asset base. As a result investment into the company is not threatened by poor performing, thereby making Apple a good investment. Shareholders seek to maximize their wealth given their shareholdings in the company. Shareholders’ equity trends shed light to the how favorable investments are in the company. Apple experienced an increase in shareholders’ equity over the 2009/2009 period. In March 28, 2009, the company’s
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