Saturday, December 28, 2019
Hunting Is Not Only Sustainable - 1464 Words
Hunting has been a way of life and means of survival for many different people groups throughout history. Today however, a large portion of society is becoming less tolerant towards hunting. This anti-hunting sentiment comes as a result of poor hunting practices in the past which damaged wildlife populations; however, much has been done since then to improve the practice of hunting. Hunting today both sustains and helps conserve wildlife. Hunting practices today are sustainable because of strict regulations which are based on continuous research. This research requires money, much of which is generated through hunting. Hunters also generally have a high level of respect for wildlife which is important for promoting conservation in the face†¦show more content†¦While using resources is a good thing, it is important to balance short term needs with the needs of future generations by taking care of the environment (179). By this definition, we can see that sustainability is a c omplex issue that requires much thought and planning in order to protect the future. Many people who are opposed to hunting believe that it is not sustainable. This notion probably comes from an instance in the past when hunting practices were not sustainable. In the past, decisions were made based almost entirely on economic growth, while protecting the environment was only an afterthought. An example where poor hunting practices had a negative effect on the environment was the near extinction of the North American Bison in the 1800s. During this time, there was a high demand for bison hides (Isenberg 130) so â€Å"hunters pushed the species to the brink of extinction†(2) in order to meet the demands of growing industries. Although there were other factors involved such as â€Å"the harsh grassland environment itself†(2), overhunting played a significant role in the near extinction of buffalo in North America. This and other examples like it are likely what people t hink of when they say that hunting is unsustainable. Although hunting played a role in the depletion of many animal populations in the 1800’s, hunting itself was not responsible for this, it was â€Å"[u]nregulated killing [that] caused such depletions†(Heffelfinger 401). Much hasShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay On Hunting795 Words  | 4 PagesHunting is what humans do daily in order to survive and it also keeps nature sustainable. But overhunting can hurt this balance and cause a chain of negative reactions that affect the entire planet. This has been an ongoing debate on whether hunting is sustainable or hurtful towards the environment. One can compare Aldo Leopold’s â€Å"Thinking Like a Mountain†and Rick Bass’ â€Å"Why I Hunt†to determine if hunting today is a safe practice. Aldo Leopold describes hunting as something dark and terrible. HeRead MoreHunting Should Not Be Banned1499 Words  | 6 Pagescountry, wild animals only continue to exist at all when preserved by sportsmenâ⠂¬ (MARC FOLCO: Some hunting, fishing quotes to live by). Hunters are the leading source for all conservation programs. Theodore Roosevelt was one of the most passionate hunters. People put down hunting like it’s a bad thing. Many hunters contribute billions of dollars the the economy. Hunting should not be banned because of the positive impacts it has on society. Through strictly regulated hunting we have reintroducedRead MoreTrophy Hunting : A Social Construction Perspective1028 Words  | 5 PagesTrophy hunting is a wildly controversial topic, especially in today’s social media driven world. Every time a new picture of a hunter and a dead lion or other animal is posted online the media goes crazy. Africa is known for it’s beautiful landscapes, and more importantly the exotic highly sought after animals that roam the land. Africa’s most prominent animals are known as the â€Å"big five†it consists of the most challenging and rewarding animals to hunt. The big five consists of: lions, elephantsRead MoreThe Impact Of Palm Oil Plantations And Carbon Emissions1523 Words  | 7 PagesAdditionally, local communities, indigenous people, and small landowners are driven from their own land. Leading to more than 700 land conflicts, human rights violations are increasingly breached, even on ‘sustainableâ€⠄¢ plantations. Palm oil companies are regulated by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), however, corruption and illegal practice are widely identified. What is Palm Oil? What Are the Effects of Palm Oil Plantations? Peat and Carbon Emissions Establishing a palm oil plantationRead MoreHunting : A Animal s Rights Activist938 Words  | 4 PagesSome might think of hunting as a cruel way to obtain food and it is no longer needed for survival, but it is much more than that. Hunting has many others benefits than just a source of food. It helps control population, provides resources, and is a better life for the animals outside of captivity. Hunting is important in maintaining wildlife conservation and should be continued in the United States and in other countries. Author Noah Berlatsky, a animal s rights activist strongly disagrees withRead MoreSummary of the Omnivores Dilemma1336 Words  | 6 Pagesexamining the three major types of food production and divides the book into these three areas: Industrial (focusing on the modern food industry’s reliance on corn), Pastoral (focusing on organic food production, both â€Å"big† and â€Å"small† scale), and Personal (focusing on personally hunting and gathering one’s food).  The first, Industrial section of the book demonstrates that nearly everything we consume in Western society, particularly in America, is in some way derived from corn. The processed foods that seem a staple of modeRead MoreEncouraging Hunting in Modern Society832 Words  | 3 PagesEncouragement of a proper hunting spirit, a proper love of sport, instead of being incompatible with a love of nature and wild things, offers the best guaranty for the preservation of wild things, said Theodore Roosevelt. Many people say that hunting should be discouraged, and that it is no good for the environment or the animals. Hunters and organizations affiliated with the act of hunting are the leading supporters for wild life management and conservation. Hunting in society should be encouragedRead MoreTaking a Look at the Omnivores Dilemma1267 Words  | 5 PagesI enjoyed Mr. Pollan’s book, â€Å"The Omnivore’s Dilemma†and learned a great deal of information. Pollan’s book is a plea for us to stop and think for a moment about our whole process of eating. Pollan sets out to corn fields and natural farms, goes hunting and foraging, all in the name of coming to terms with where food really comes from in modern America and what the ramifications are for the eaters, the eaten, the economy and the environment. The results are far more than I expected them to be. Read MoreThe Nature Of Sustainable Development1492 Words  | 6 Pagespeople around the world have a common view about how human treat their only homeland, the Earth, which should develop in sustainable ways. Long before human beings established their society groups, there is a slight difference between human and other animals that live in forests. It is until human use a tool to gather the grains and hunting that humanity cultivation began. Humans at that time has a basic concept of sustainable development, which equals to fulfill their daily need from a fixed areaRead MoreHunter Gatherers : More Beneficial Or Beneficial?1656 Words  | 7 Pageslive healthy and transportable lives compared to the overworked farmer. Farmers believe that their survival tactics are more positive, productive, and efficient than those of hunters-gatherers. What these agriculturalists do not understand is that hunting for food is more beneficial than preserving a farm. Natural food is available in many areas and sources, such as streams, vegetation and fields. Farmer’s daily activities are confined to fields where their crops are grown and animals are maintained
Friday, December 20, 2019
Symbolic References in Everyday Use by Alice Walker
Symbolism is the taking of an object big or small, and giving it something to stand for. It could be your everyday math symbols for addition, subtraction, division, and etc. Although math symbols are perfect examples of symbolism, there’s also objects that can be more than what they are. For example animals, Lions are known to be symbolized as strength, aggression, and assertiveness. Birds like doves are symbolized as love and peace. Colors are also held symbolically, for instance the color black resembling death, and depression. As for reds and pinks symbolizing love, valentine’s day being a perfect example of those two colors showing up all over the place. In the short story â€Å"Everyday Use†, symbolism is used in objects that tend to†¦show more content†¦Mama Johnson, as stated in the article: â€Å"Everyday Use: Defining African-American Heritage is â€Å"a large big-boned woman with rough, man working hands†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Luminarium), she resembles the strength in Maggie’s the article â€Å"Everyday Use†by Alice Walker Symbolism it states that â€Å"Since Maggie had certain incapability due to her mental and physical abuse from the fire, the mother considered her young daughter somewhat helpless†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Write). Maggie couldn’t get back up on her feet all on her own, the mother had to help her up. This showed that Mama Johnson had the aspect of keeping a strong bond, something that has been in her family for generations. Mama Johnson has been able to dedicate to carry on her heritage in the right manner. Mama Johnson is the true symbolization of heritage in the short story â€Å"Everyday Use†. She’s lived in the true times of her heritage showing that she knows more than her daughters about where they come from. It wouldn’t matter how much knowledge her eldest daughter Dee carried, because it still wouldn’t make her a reliable source when it came to their heritage. Mama puts the objects that have been passed down from past generations to everyday use. Mama’s doing the right thing, due to that fact that this what past generations have done. Mama Johnson has more knowledge on her heritage than Dee does. In the article â€Å"A Literary Analysis of Alice Walker’s short story Everyday Use†it quotes that â€Å"Mama knows the names of theShow MoreRelatedEveryday Use - the Gift of Family945 Words  | 4 Pages Everyday Use is a short story that teaches a value lesson of heritage, inheritance, the past, and one’s family. For some the lesson maybe perceived as an illustration to develop the natural instinct of valuing our family and our past as objects of everyday use. However, the lesson that Alice Walker conveys to her readers is to understand that the value of heritage is within the eye of the beholder. Within this paper I will explain the strategies; I think the writer uses to convey particularRead MoreEveryday Use by Alice Walker: A Look at Symbolism and Family Values879 Words  | 4 PagesAlice Walkers â€Å"Everyday Use†, is a story about a family of African Americans that are faced with moral issues involving what true inheritance is and who deserves it. Two sisters and two hand stitched quilts become the center of focus for this short story. Walker paints for us the most vivid representation through a third person perspective of family values and how people from the same environment and upbringing can become different types of people. Like most peoples families there is a dynamicRead MoreThe Usability of Symbolism in Everyday Use by Alice Walker Essay1230 Words  | 5 PagesSymbolism is a technique that author’s uses to bring out the main importance of an object, but more emphasized details are being extracted in the usage of it. Alice Walker uses quilts, for example, to symbolize a â€Å"bond between women†(Spark Notes) a relationship between women, that would get passed down from generation to generation. In this story, symbolism plays a big role that makes this more attracted to the reader’s eyes. The characters such as the following: Mama Johnson, Dee, and Maggie allRead MoreCritical Analysis Of Alice Walker s Everyday Use2414 Words  | 10 PagesTulsi Rizal Prof. Mary Huffer Eng122 24 April 2016 Critical Analysis of Alice Walker’s â€Å"Everyday Use†Alice Walker, most revered African American writer of the present time was born on 9th February 1944 in Eatonton, Georgia. 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However, traditionalists including John Updike and Joyce Carol Oates maintained significant influence on the form, as did Canadian author Alice Munro. John Gardner’s seminal reference text, â€Å"The Art of Fiction†appeared in 1983. Many of the American short stories of the 1990s feature magical realism. Among the leading practitioners in this style were Steven Millhauser and Robert Olen Butler. Stuart DybekRead MoreStrategic Human Resource Management View.Pdf Uploaded Successfully133347 Words  | 534 Pagesafter training for the employer to recoup the investment.10 In reality, employers probably invest in general training more than the specific and general training rationale would suggest. A recent study has found the following: under certain conditions [use of employment contracts and retention of employees based on productivity] the firm may share the costs of and returns on investment in general human capital and pursue no lay-off policy. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
International Trade Law Sale of Goods †
Question: Discuss about the International Trade Law Sale of Goods. Answer: The legislation of sale of goods in Australia Canada and England is based on the sale of goods act 1893(UK). The Sale of Goods Act 1979 is a statute of UK[1]. It is to be mentioned that the sale of goods act regulates the terms of the contract by which goods are bought and sold. The Sale of Goods Act serves a variety of functions and has many implications in reality. For the purpose of clearly defining sale of goods act it is to be clearly mentioned that Sale of Goods act basically acts as a contract in which the seller transfers the ownership in the property to the buyer for a stipulated amount called consideration. Buyer, according to the act can be defined as a person who agrees to buy any property from the seller and seller is the person who transfers the property to the buyer for the consideration. It is to be stated that the sale of goods act lays down a list of compulsory regulations and legal rules which are concerned with the implied terms and presumptions of the contract. The legal rules and the regulations governed by the sale of goods act aim to provide a reflection of the commercial expectations in common sales contract. It can be said that if the contract between the buyer and the seller does not state otherwise, the terms of the sale of goods act will be imposed on the contract. The seller has been given more responsibility by thelaw as it is expected that the buyer will rely on the honesty and integrity of the seller while purchasing the goods. The sale of goods act 1979 later codified the original sale of goods act 1893. It is to be noted thatlaw in relation to governing the relationship between the parties has been left untouched so that the buyer and the seller can decide their own terms of the agreement. Thus the act of codifying the original sale of goods act did not impinge the autonomy f the parties[2]. The parties who entered into commercial contracts were believed to be the best judges of the obligation to be imposed upon either of them for the stipulated consideration. The statute sale of goods act was drafted from the perspective of the buyer and aims to uphold and safeguard the interest of the buyer in general contracts of sale of goods. It can be said that judicial intervention is required in most cases in order to determine the intention of the parties while entering into the contract the courts are allowed to apply their philosophies for the purpose of determining the intention of the parties. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods [3] has also had significant impact on the relationship between the parties to a contract of sale of goods. To provide comparison between the convention and the sale of goods act it is essential to test the currentlaw against the convention. It is also important to assess whether a rule which would allow the parties to terminate or reject the terms of the contract should be incorporated in the contract of sale of goods. Such termination or rejection of the terms of the contract by either of the parties would is in favor of the buyer as it will enable the buyer to reject the goods if they do not comply with the terms of the contract even if goods even if the tender accords with terms of the contract. However it is detrimental to the rights of the seller. According to[4] it is important to have consideration for the relation which is shared between the regime of rejection and termination and the regime which governs the exercise of rights. The perfect tender rule in relation to sale of goods in commercial context is in de facto operations in Australia and England. This rule is applied in most cases as it is easy to provide justification for terminating a sale of goods if there is a breach of a contract term rather than the breach of sellers express obligation for providing the buyer with quality product or buyers obligation for paying the stipulated consideration in time. It is to be mentioned that provision of termination is available under the provisions of generallaw in Canada, England and Australia. However such termination clause will depend on the conditions as enumerated below: Express right of the parties to terminate the contract which is to be activated by the breach of the obligations of either of the parties which acts as a clause of termination Breach of any term of the contract which might be implied of express if such contract term was classified as a condition of the contract Omission of performance of obligation by either of the parties. The express right for termination and Rejection is introduced by the cancellation clause. However rights related to cancellation are additionally conferred by legislation. In order to have a better understanding of breach of a condition it is essential to identify when a condition is to be treated as a contingency. However assessing a condition as a contingency can be an uncertain event. It can be said that when the obligation of one party to fulfill a duty is dependent on the fulfillment of a contingency as promised by the other party such a term can be defined as a condition. Breach of such condition gives right to the former party to terminate the contract. The right of a party to terminate a contract in case of breach of intermediate term has been introduced to enable courts to assess whether the terms of the contract is possible of being breached in several ways. Breach of performance of duty by the promisor is given importance than breach of the term itself. The right of terminating the contract is granted to the party if the breach of the terms of the contract is fundamental. The sale of goods act implies terms into contract. Any breach of terms entitles the innocent party to claim damages from the defendant for the loss sustained by him. According to[5] buyer has the right to claim damages for breach of warranties if there is a breach of implied terms in relation to quality, description of the product. Section 12(1) of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 states that in case of the agreement to sell, the seller will be granted the right to sell the goods at the time when the property is to pass [6]. It is also to be stated that in case of a sale a condition is implied that the seller is granted the right to sell the property if any adverse circumstances do not arise as held in the remarkable case Rowland v Divall[7]. According to section 13(1) of the aforementioned act it can be stated that the goods sold by description must correspond with the description provided to the buyer at the time of selling the goods. The case Beale v Taylor [8]is a classic example of go ods to be sold by description. It was illustrated in the case Harlington v Christopher Hull (1990)that the implied condition of sale of goods by description can be breached by the buyer if such buyer purchased the goods in reliance of the description of the goods. Thus to conclude it can be said that the Sale of Goods Act 1979 provides general guidelines about the relationship between the parties to the contract. The sale of goods act however leaves scope for amending the terms of by the parties as it has been held that the parties are the best judges of the contract to be entered into by them. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (1980) also impacts the sale of goods across international borders. The Sale of Goods Act 1979 was originally drafted to safeguard the interest of the buyer in the property. Bibliography 'Sale Of Goods Act 1979' (, 2018) accessed 5 March 2018 Harlington v Christopher Hull (1990) Beale v Taylor (1967) Rowland v Divall (1923) Howells, Geraint, and Stephen Weatherill.Consumer protection law. Routledge, 2017. McKendrick, Ewan.Contract law: text, cases, and materials. Oxford University Press (UK), 2014. Johnson, Jeff S., and Ravipreet S. Sohi. "Understanding and resolving major contractual breaches in buyerseller relationships: a grounded theory approach."Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science44.2 (2016): 185-205. United Nations Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods (1980)
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Celebrity Testimonials Effectiveness of the Advertisement “Lux Soap†free essay sample
Celebrity Testimonials are considered as the best techniques with regards to their impact on word of mouth publicity. Testimonials by the celebrities increase the readability of the consumers and help the product image to be built by vouching for the features, advantages and benefits of the product. Analyzing the example of Lux Advertisement, it has been advertised and endorsed by several celebrities and their message does create a huge impact in terms of the overall brand building. In one of its ad, the Bad Shah of the film cinema Shah Rukh khan says Aaj mein aapko batanewala hoon meri khubsurati ka raaz LUX. Ab batayein aapka favorites LUX Star kaun hai?’ there by indicating the products usability for themselves as well as for the target audiences. They proudly justify their preference for the brand as a secret of their glowing complexion thus helping in improving the believability, brand recall factor and brand recognition. We will write a custom essay sample on Celebrity Testimonials: Effectiveness of the Advertisement â€Å"Lux Soap†or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The execution method is adopted based on the segmentation procedure which is fetched by geographically connected to the audience in terms of age, geography, class, gender etc and psychologically getting connected by showing their loyalty and love for their super stars. This advertisement which provides the best example for celebrity testimonials was definitely effectives in its execution, but usually such testimonials are rated as far below average because such ads create a brand preference for the sake of their celebrities and not for the product preference. As a result of which the brand recall factor dies off as soon as the commitment and the credibility of the endorser are lost. Such an effect is known as Vampire Effect and will not serve the benefit for the product and the company on a long term basis. The Lux Testimonial Advertisement by the celebrities has made a huge difference in the consumers’ tastes and preferences and hence it has already been recognized as the trusted brand in the nation. References: BusinessSchoolOnline. (2008), Testimonials Celebrity Endorsement, Retrieved September 19, 2008, from, Berry, S. (2000), Screen Style, Retrieved September 20, 2008, from, Sethi, N. (2008), Shahrukh Khan to endorse LUX soap, Retrieved September 20, 2008, from, 123Eng, (2007), Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Overall Brand, Retrieved September 20, 2008, from,
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